Illustration #6 - Side face


The more I draw the more I could realise how powerful a single multiliner can be in creating artwork especially in the current collaboration with @cryptogee. With different tactics of shading using multiliner one has no need for the color effect from other sources like maker pens or pencils. Of course, with the extra tools you can only enrich the artwork with more but you can do just fine without them as well.

I’m not saying I’m already master the art of creating art with minimal tools but this is definitely the way I’m working towards. The black-and-white and comic-like illustration of this series definitely granting great opportunity to enhance such ability,

Read the chapter here: Asimov’s Ghost - Chapter 55 - Infernal Baptism by @cryptogee


同时和 @cryptogee 的合作下要求的画风是比较黑白的,漫画风的。在这样的条件之下,不正好是锻炼的好机会吗?




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Feeding my stomach with Steem for the first time | Steem 祭五脏庙

Finally I got to buy real food with my hard earned Steem in the awesome Big Hug Burger owning by @danielwong. The boss was kind enough to withdraw himself from his very busy schedule just to say hi to me as a host. Shame we can’t have more time to chat with someone who actually made his business accepting Steem for real, but this is definitely not the last time I buy food from the store!



Probably the only restaurant in Malaysia that accepts Steem/SBD.
Address: CT-G-03, Subang Square Corporate Tower, Jalan SS 15/4G, 47500 Subang Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia

Thanks the lovely couple for holding up the meetup for me @aaronleang and @joannewong, else I would ended up eating the burger lonely in the shop LOL. Nice meeting @zord189 and @littlenewthings as well for their insights in Steem especially in how to keep growing the Teammalaysia in an efficient way.

The energy from the community is simply amazing, they are just so engaged with the technology presented by Steem. I had a joyful afternoon surrounded by a gang of friends who share the same passion as I do.


The only thing went wrong that day was that I had a really late brunch that I’m so full to order another long-wanted giant size of Steem burger when we arrived at the restaurant. So here I present you the Jumbo Cheesy Sausages that I got for 2 SBD!


The reward from a social media that I deep dived into for about a year can actually fill my stomach for real. This is not a dream, and this is not a ponzi neither. Reality checking done.

终于在可能是全马唯一接受 Steem/SBD 的餐厅吃上一餐。这间由 @danielwong 经营的汉堡餐厅已经变成了大马 Steemian 的集聚之地,当然接受 Steem 作为现金之外,另一大原因就是这里的美食真的很好吃。说到这里就不得不提所犯下的错误了,当天由于早餐吃得太迟,到了聚会时间已经饱得吃不下向往已久的巨型汉堡了。最后只花了2 个 SBD 买了两条大份的香肠

在这个平台上赚到的货币居然可以在现实生活中填饱肚子,现在想起来还是很不可思议。也更让我确定了,Steem 真的不是庞氏骗局。LOL。

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NBA Live Game 1 NBA Finals 2018: Golden State Warriors vs Cleveland Cavaliers



Here we come the NBA Finals, Warriors VS Cavaliers for the fourth time. Honestly, I was always on the GSW side past three years but not so much this time. Both teams accomplished what they should have done for the last 3 seasons. Lebron just carried one of the weakest team he has ever led into the Finals which greatly amazed me how dominating this guy can be. Guess I will be in more of a neutral position this time.


If you ask for my prediction, I would say GSW in 5 though. Cavs lost the all-star Love and Kyrie while GSW added an MVP KD on top of existing crew. But here is the catch, Cavs might win the first game as Kobe Bryant’s Detail just analysed KD the last episode, LOL.

GSW for the champ is almost a fact already to me.

My live stream is at DLive

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Consistent but slow VS go big or go home style of mining?


If you are entitled to choose 2 type of secondary income source, the first will be slow and steady persistent income or the second not-guaranteed style of income, but tends to earn a lot more if the luck kicks in?

To make the scenarios more specific, the first will be making $10 per day consistently for a yearly sum around $3600. The second one will be more drastic, constantly making $0 a day but the catch is there are less than 10% that you will hit a $10,000 jackpot over a year. Which income will you take?

Well, I’ve been mining for about a week and been thinking what strategy is the best for my condition. I have a steady job which supports most of my daily needs financially, I started to see the potential of mining in becoming the next steady source of income. However, this new stream of income can largely depend on different strategies.


Given the same hashing power and cost basis, there are two main ways of mining:

The Mine-and-Sell

This is the mainstream way of mining as I observed. The approach is usually picking a famous coin preferably coins in the top 100 list to mine. After a certain amount of time, say monthly, sell away those coins for BTC or fiat for profit.

The mining profit can be used to pay electricity bill or maintaining the miner machine. Pocket the remaining cash or use it to expand the mining rigs. Less risk, low but predictable income thanks to the stability of the famous coin.

The Mine-and-Hold

This method is more in seeking explosive growth of mined coins. Pick under-the-radar coins which is ranging from the 500~2000 ranking and mine, if not the entirely new coins. If you talk about these coins with your crypto mate, chances are they never heard of it at all.

Mine and keep the coins. You would not want to sell it now as they are mostly underpriced and with low trading volume. There are no profit gained in the process and miner has to bear with the incurred expenses like electricity bill.

Make a choice

I have a day job which provided me with a stable pay and I don’t mine for a living at all, that’s the biggest reason I have no appetite for the Mine-and-Sell. To be honest, I will always go for the more aggresive and gambling-like Mine-and-Hold way. Go big or go home!

The rough plan is, use my limited hashing power to mine the coins with low difficulty but with some prospect. Some researchs has to be done and come out with a list of coins to be mined.

With my current 2k H/s, I will be able to mine any young projects to 10,000 coins within a week. Upon hitting the 10k mark, jump to mine the next coin in the list and so on. So say at the end of the days, I will hold 100 different bags of coins with 10k each. I shall do nothing until one of them to appear in the top 100 list in

Worst come to worst, that 100 bags of coins all failed and fell to zero. The most I can lose is the electricity fee incurred in the process and it won’t be much since I’m mining the CryptoNight coins with power-saving CPU.

Sounds like a plan, isn’t it? What do you think and which strategy would you choose if you were me?



挖了就卖 - 相信这也是市面上矿工们的主流做法。选些稳定且有名的币来挖,这类币通常都是 Top 100 的名单上可以见到。好处是定期把币卖了可以抵消成本比如电费和维护费等等,剩余的还可以做为扩展用途。坏处就是由于币的价格趋于稳定,要赚大钱有难度。

挖了收着 - 顾名思义,就是只挖不卖。只选新币或是冷门小众的项目下手,趁挖矿难度还很低的时候挖了一笔就走,然后继续挖新的项目。坏处就是挖矿期间绝大可能不会有收益,还需要矿工自掏腰包付电费等。但是好处就是,要是手上的一袋袋新币要是某天爆发了,那个收益也一定是爆发性的。




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Last warning, make your EOS yours while you still can! | 刻不容缓

Alright, I know you might be pulled through hundreds of post urging you to register the ETH address to EOS network. Well, if you are storing the EOS in private wallet and have not been paying attention or just procrastinate, do yourself a favor and DO IT NOW. You do not have much time left.

Take a look at the, the Launch day is almost less than 4 days away!


For EOS stored on exchanges

First of all, read this great article “How to Own Your EOS on Launch Day“ if you have not already. It perfectly draws out the picture of what might be happening to the EOS tokens holding on the exchanges and if you still thinking holding coins on exchanges that you do not trade often, you are insane.

Do it while you can before exchanges start to freeze withdrawal to prepare for the very near launching day.

For EOS stored on private wallet

You are in much better position than those who don’t, because you at least own the EOS as you control the keys, for now. The only thing you need to do next is making sure registration of the ETH address.

The site also providing a simple tool to check if you have done the registration by providing ETH public addrss. If the result is

All done? Great, sit back and chill, we shall see each other again in the new Decentralized world after 1st June!

我知道你可能看到了无数个呼吁登记 ETH 地址到 EOS 网络的帖子。如果你看到了总是选择拖延还是干脆忘记了,现在立马去做!

截稿为止,只剩下四天的时间 EOS 主网就正式启动了。

对于把 EOS 币放在交易所的人,强烈建议阅读这篇文章,它解释了主网启动时种种可能会发生的现象。结论就是自己拥有 EOS 的私钥是最佳的应对方式。如果读完之后你还是无动于衷,我对你的冒险精神深深感到钦佩。

另外,要把 EOS 移出交易所的也要赶紧了。因为交易所通常会在这样的重大事件发生之前冻结 EOS 户口。

至于已经把币收在本地钱包的人,恭喜你,你拥有真正属于自己的 EOS 币,但只限于在六月到来之前。请务必确保用来保存 EOS 的 ETH 地址已经成功登记,可以用这个网站来查询。如果答案是否定的,网上已经有一大堆登记教程,我就不罗嗦了。

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First NBA live session outdoor in Singapore! | 不怎么精彩的抢七


The game 7 of NBA western conference final falling on the Wesak Day which is the public holiday here in SG is probably one of the luckiest things that happen to this week. To make things even better, we found sport bar which would broadcast the whole game in town!

This is my first time watching a NBA live game with my own basketball friends and a whole bunch of strangers. You have to understand that NBA in Asia countries like Malaysia and Singapore is still far less than a big event like the football. Credit to the genius @jessie901220 to find such a great place. Nothing is funnier to watch a NBA game with the company of people who share the same interest.

I would say I had a great time there. They are numerous of big TVs(60 or 70 inch, I’m not sure) installed at different angles streaming the same game with great resolution. The audience definitely can find a suitable spot for a comforatble viewing experience. But the only drawback is, their breakfast set with bacon burger sucks. Do not order that.

And this is why I’m not streaming the game today. Sorry if some of you are waiting for one.


The storefront of Boomarang, the very shop we were having a great time. Address: BOOMARANG BOAT QUAY, 52 Circular RoadSingapore 049407

Back to the game itself, nothing surprise and well within my expectation. You won’t be thinking the Rockets with one superstar less can even beat the full healthy team of Warriors.

Same storyline as the last Game 6, Rockets led the pace in both offence and defence for the first two quarters. After the half-time break, Warriors slowly getting their hand hot and splash brothers start hitting crzy three pointers. Rockets trailing and the point defference getting bigger til the end of game. The 3rd quarter Warriors is the most explosive Warriors for real.

Few things to note on the Rockets side, James Harden is just as childish as always and I can tell that by a several small incidents. He rejects the helping hand from Green who was trying to pull him up from the floor. He too get the locker room the first moment after the loss without congratulating the winners.

A joke for the good evening. Enjoy.

Call it competitive nature or just narrow-minded, this is a complete sign of lacking sportsmanship at all to me. Rockets will not go far with a leader as such. Would you mind to take a look at the other James at the East side please, Mr. Harden?

Can’t wait for the first game of NBA Finals, though the match-up has been the same for last 3 years, LOL.

这是我第一次在户外和球友们一起看 NBA 直播。 最完美的事情就是西部抢七大战竟然落在公共假期之余,还让我们的天才 @jessie901220 找到一个运动吧居然有直播服务。店里配置了许多个大屏幕,顾客们在各种角度都可以舒服的观赏比赛,实在给力。想不到新加坡居然还有这种好地方!


值得担心的是,作为火箭的绝对骨干 James Harden,在比赛中的数个小细节表现出了一如既往的孩子气。比如拒绝 Green 伸出援手将之从地上拉起,比如比赛结束后直接返回更衣室而不是去向胜者道贺。你可以说是竞争精神,但在我看来都是满满的孩子气。如此缺乏运动精神的领袖是很难带领球队走得更远的。

Harden 先生,可以学学对面东部的另一个 James 是如何做好一个超级球员的吗?

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