Illustration #5 - Asimov


This is the first time I applied colors other than just black and white in the illustration of Asimov’s Ghost story series. Glad it successfully brings out the neon like reflective and bright effect of the character eye. Color markers are really great in creating effect like this.

Read the chapter here: Asimov’s Ghost - Chapter 51 - A Time For Death by @cryptogee

这是第一次在这个系列中用上黑白以外的颜色,也很开心在带出激光和映射的效果上还算成功。这也是 Copic 马克笔最擅长的特点。







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What an eye-opening crypto chatting session!

This is a recap for a small Steem meetup back in last Sunday. I’m honoured to be invited to the lunch by @jrvacation. It was a rainy afternoon, the restaurant wasn’t crowded, the food was great, and the people are nice. I had a great time.

Maybe one of the biggest surprises to me is having to meet up a real crypto guy and a very reputable figure in the Steem space himself, @knozaki2015.

Impressive crypto knowledge and experience

Coming from the place where crypto or blockchain is still very much regarded as a tool of ponzi schemes, I always feel like a lone ranger after discovering how big the blockchain tech can be for this planet. Most of the guys I’ve talked to are not convinced even just to open an account in Steemit with zero cost and minor effort at all.

I think Mr Knozaki was my first one to exchanged so much coin names in real life conversation with. The only difference is, I was just heard of those coins because they made it to the top 100 in Coinmarketcap, but he discovered it all when they were under the radar.


Something you ignored today might be the next big thing tomorrow.

There are unlimited supply of Bitcoin success stories since the boom of BTC last year, reading them will always lead me to the envious thinking like “If only I could buy that $4 BTC back in the old days…”. I think people used to think their younger self was more ignorant and often duller compared to the wiser position they are at today, such concept would be more obvious when recalling something you’ve done wrong or big opportunities that you’ve missed in the past.

Well, I was a mindless boy wasting my time at the University time back in 2010 and I was dirt poor there is nothing I can do if I found out Bitcoin that time. Yeah, maybe I can tell that to myself to make the regret of missing out lighter.

I would say that I’m a lot wiser these recent years, and I missed the Steem in 2016, too.


The moral of the story here is, the opportunities are always there for us all. Looking back to the recent get-rich-quick history events, the Internet era like Apple and Google when they were just penny stocks, cryptos like Bitcoin and Ethereum when they cost less than a pack of cigarette, I must not forget to mention how dirt-cheap was Steem. I missed them all. I really have to start to believe there are always some next BTC-like possibilities lurking around.

Keep the eyes open, and always stay informed will be the best guideline ahead I guess.

It takes more than just luck to succeed in crypto

Thanks to the man Knozaki showed us how amazing the crypto world, he got our jaws dropped though he was sharing like it was nothing. He was so humble to give all credit to the luck for his success in crypto but Nah, I know it takes way more than pure luck to get to that position.

They said get yourself a mentor no matter what field you’re developing in, and Knozaki is simply the perfect guy in crypto. Such a shame we didn’t have enough time to have a deeper conversation. Well, who said we can’t have more meet-ups in the future right(hopefully haha)?

Lastly, glad to know also the lovely @yoshiko from the Japanese community. Impressive translator machine you have got there and I hope you enjoy the days in SG!

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Live Game: Houston Rockets @ Golden State Warriors

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Edit: I kinda screwed up the video thumbnail, click on this link to enter the real streaming.

This is a live stream of Houston Rockets vs Golden State Warriors NBA Playoffs 2018, Western Conference Finals Game 3.

This is my first try on the @dlive! Rockets or Warriors fan, come in and interact with me.

My live stream is at DLive

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Illustration #4 - Clone


It’s been long since my last artwork created on the black sketchbook. Kind of losing the sense of reversing the bright and dark toning technique on the black paper. If you used to draw on the ordinary white paper, try it for once on the black one and do your normal shading or toning for your drawing. Your brain should feel like twisted in the first few hours.

This illustration is to showcase the ability of the bot Jemima in cloning herself. Guess using the black background is a good idea in bringing out this idea in a sort of abstract way.

Read the chapter here: Asimov’s Ghost - Chapter 45 - Lives Eternal by @cryptogee




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ICO is a dangerous game | 危险游戏

This is a continuation from the last post where I witnessed the power of smart contract in real life. Well, my gratitude was just elevated to the next level for what I’m going to the report in this post.

For a quick recap, I was taking part in an ICO public sale and it failed. Got my invested fund back almost instantly as the smart contract promised as such, all fund will be refunded if the public sale softcap was failed to hit. However things are not as smooth for the presale investor whereby fund was collected in a not-smart-contract way I supposed. And the ICO admin claimed that they will refund the presale fund after deducting administration and marketing fee.

There were no progress for over a month since ICO failed, while I have got my refund back and has nothing to do with the rest of the matter, I still interested to follow up how things are going. Eventually got an update for the long-awaited presale refund.

Each Presale investors are getting 25.68% of their investment

Yes, you read that right. A bloody 25.68% refund for all the presale investors, 75% loss without doing anything. If you have invested 10 ETH in the presale, you are getting back 2.56 ETH as a refund. The Telegram channel was booming with raging messages from investors after the official announcement, so happening that the momentum was comparable favourably with the period when airdrop was announced back in the days.

Honestly I was deep in shock as well to learn this outcome. I thought the marketing fee would maybe eat up a few percentage of the investment and people should expect to get back at least 90%, I was naive. And I can’t help but immediately linked the “crime” word with everything going on behind the scene.

I wasn’t expecting anything like this coming at all, call me innocent and I will accept that. However I’m not alone in the channel, people are mad.

Some member made a good point saying that investor should not bear any responsibility for marketing fee, let alone making them pay that steep price for a failed ICO. I would call that a sane and logic statement. I assumed that should be the default mode of every ICO on the market.

On the other hand, admin from the team defended by claiming there is a particular clause in the Presale agreement which all the investors have been signed and agreed to. Personally I wasn’t aware of this clause and was too lazy to dig it out and verify the claim. But if it is true, the ICO team is probably not guilty.

The annoyed investors then asked for a complete breakdown of accounting report, admin promised to provide that although that is not compulsory according to the legal term. But I guess this pretty much should be the end of story.


This incident totally changed my perspective towards ICO. Though the team would make everything looks legit on the surface, there are just too many loopholes can be exploited behind the scene. According to the members, 2000 ETH was collected for presale, 75% of it would be 1500 ETH which equivalent to 1m USD. For marketing display by the team over the period, I would say 1m USD is more than an overkill.

  • Read every clause on the bloody contract before signing when money is at stake. Losing 75% of fund for nothing is no fun.
  • Code is definitely more reliable than human.
  • ICO is a dangerous game.

自从上次的第一次 ICO 失败后,现在来跟进一下后续。前文提要为 ICO 失败后,presale 的投资者由于没有收到智能合约的保护,还在等待官方公布清算后的退款数额。

结果几天前出来了,那就是所有 presale 投资者可以拿回 25.68% 的资金。也就是说投资 10 ETH,拿回 2.56 ETH,剩下的被宣传费用报销了。也就是说投资者什么都不做,75% 的钱就蒸发了,你说神奇吗?

尽管官方人员说 presale 协议上已经说明了这个条例(我也懒得去查证反正事不关己),但是可想而知的整个群组还是吃了原子弹一样,吵得炸开了。

经过这次的 ICO,我学到了:

  • 和钱有关的所有条例,读清楚才好签下。
  • 代码果然是比人类靠谱多了。
  • ICO 真的很危险。

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SmartCash#5 - Start the SmartNode

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This series is to record my SmartNode journey. This is very much a high risk experimental act and I’m prepared to lose all the fund invested. Do your own research as this is not a financial advice.

Setting up the real deal

Okay, after a series of operation we now have all the critical element to finally get the SmartNode started. 10,000 SMART, fully-synchronized local wallet, and a reliable VPS are all we need to set up the money printing machine.

I will not post the step by step guide as there are sites and documentation online which already did the explanation so well that I never could. This post will be more of the tips in setting up SmartNode after much preparations:

Useful resources

All in all, basically consists of everything one needs to know about how to set up SmartNode. It covers documentation from Mac, Linux to Windows, including much Bash scripts that would further enhance the stability of the server but I have yet to try them.


I set up local wallet in Windows OS and Linux Ubuntu on the VPS(of course) so I will recommend base on these background. Other than the official SmartNode site, items below were being used as the main reference as well:

Use root

During the process of setting SmartNode on the VPS, remember you must execute everything using root. Even if some of the operations might not need root permission to perform, doing it with other users might cause troubles later which can be really hard to troubleshoot. As I assume most of the VPS providing root user as default, @privex offer the VPS with second class user ubuntu.

However if your were offered with users other than root, use command sudo su or sudo su root and you will be granted root access.

Use bootstrap to speed up syncing

Yes, the same sycning thing you took year to complete on setting up the wallet will have to do it all again on the Linux VPS. The way to speed the process up is all the same with local wallet, just that now you will have to do it with command line.

Follow the detailed guide in SmartNode FAQ and you will be good.


Take note that the steps suggesting do the step before smartcashd is started running but my experience proved this caution doesn’t matter. Just execute the command and you will see the blockchian syncing become a loading progress using command smartcash-cli getinfo. Took me about 3 hours to complete.


Yay, finally got you running babe!

Use the SmartNodeMonitor

As we know if the node was down for 1 hour the uptimr will be set to zero meaning that node will have to queue all over again to enter the payment zone. So right after I get my node running, the first thing I want is a tool to help monitoring node status. I was ready to make a bash script on the VPS, until I found this piece of gem.


SmartNodeMonitorBot on Telegram is the monitoring bot all one needs to maintain a node. You can add all multiple nodes in the same bot and it will constantly pinging the node to check if it is still up and running. Grant me peace of mind after using this bot, truly a must get!

Get it here:


Along the way of SmartNode installation going, I would say that the SmartCash ecosystem is more matured than I expected. You can basically fill the questions with answers already available on the quoted resource above. I had much fun setting up my first node!

Official site:
Steemit: or @smartcash

Related post:

SmartCash#1 - My first crypto node setup for a passive income
SmartCash#2 - Acquiring 10,000 SMART
SmartCash#3 - Setting up a wallet
SmartCash#4 - VPS service that accepting STEEM

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