Overhead camera rig DIY with PVC tubes


Drawing is one of the most an engaged activities I do after joining Steem. Mainly created art for contest purpose, I figured that record the process would actually help in several ways:

  • It could be another new content in video form. So I can post it in dTube in a seperate post.
  • It could serve the educational purpose by showing the audience all the detailed step that happends in the process.
  • Better documentation for future self-referencing.

While I do the drawing most of the time on my computer desk, I have to improvise the camera setup every time before starting the art creation. Just to end up spending too much time trying to test new camera setup method and to improve the previous setup. The setup processes less fun over time and it just depletes my motivation on starting a new art drawing.

I need some fixed setup and it has to work!

Overhead camera rig building


First I prepared some pre-measured PVC parts which I got from local hardware shop for less than 10 SGD. The longest tube is 30cm and shortest is 10cm. This can be varies base on your working environment.


Connect the tubes up with the connectors. No need to use glue here as the connection will be tight enough if you put enough strength. Also flexibility and modularity can be kept for future modification.


Xiaoyi 4k action camera and the Joby gorillapod action tripod was the old and main gear that used to improvised with various tools for previous art recording.


The camera rig is almost finished now. Fits just nice in the available space of my desktop.



Hang the action camera from the extended tube and we are ready to do. I put a sketchbook under the rig just for effect illustration. This is by far the best setup that free me from worrying how to set the camera angle nice enough to capture everything that is happening on the table. The only drawback was I can work on the camera connection better by just hanging it like that as it will still swing a little subject to movement, but that would work for now. Things now look cool and definitely working!

加入 Steem 以来重新开始了画画之旅,由于年前入手了小蚁运动相机,也决定物尽其用开始拍摄绘画过程。那么一次绘画就会有起码可以产生两个内容,以后有时间还可以编辑好了发在 dTube 上。但一直以来最头痛的问题就是拍摄工具搭建方式。由于没有固定的设立方式,每次开始绘画之前总得折腾一番,运动相机和三脚架的结合适合出外使用,在桌上固定拍摄却不是那么回事了。所以渐渐这也消磨了我绘画的热情,好在终于想出了一个好方法,那就是 DIY 自建一个相机架,使用的是平常用作水管的 PVC 管。


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Verify EOS private key by mapping to public key

EOS has been one of the hottest topics now as getting closer to its launching date. I’ve posted days ago about how to validate ETH address registration with EOS but realise there is one more important issue to verify.

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After EOS registration user will receive an EOS key pair that consists of a public and private key. This key pair is useless until 1st June the EOS blockchain is finally established. The abovementioned method can validate the ETH address that temporarily stores the EOS as ERC20 tokens will be snapshot at the launch day. Upon the establishment of EOS network, user will need to use the EOS private key to access their EOS as those funds will be moved from ETH network to the new one.

Paranoid investor like me will have a real worry now, how to verify the EOS private key is valid before the mainnet?

Offline tool to verify your EOS private key and mapping to public key

This is a great tool I’ve found in Github: https://github.com/webdigi/EOS-Offline-Private-key-check

This is a simple tool to verify EOS private key by generating the public key using a web browser. Take note that I did my verification in Google Chrome as Internet Explorer failed me. And the instruction is simple:

Steps to running this tool with peace of mind!

  1. Turn your device offline. This page will work without an internet connection.
  2. Paste your EOS private key and then click on “Map to EOS public key”
  3. Your EOS private key and corresponding public key will show up. All done! You can close this page and then turn on internet connection :)

You may generate a random EOS key pair to test this tool before using the real key.

Testing result of an example key pair

Overall steps to verify your EOS is properly ready for launching day

  1. Register ETH address that is used to store EOS, refer this guide for MyEtherWallet. User receive a EOS key pair.
  2. Use this guide to make sure ETH address is registered with EOS. It requires the user to provide ETH address and return with a EOS public address which has to be in match with the EOS pubic key user received in Step 1.
  3. Use the offline tool to verify EOS private key. The generated EOS public key has to be same as the EOS pubic key user received in Step 1 as well.

These steps are crucial if the user were to store EOS inside private wallet. Failing to do so might risk your access to the EOS you have bought after mainnet was launched after 1st June.

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Steem is telling the jackpot result in advance again


Hail to the great Steem soared all the way to $3 as all of you must have already noticed if you are a loyal subscriber of CMC like me (well, it might not be as I bet tons of your feeds on Steem were talking about this price spiking as well).

If you have bought some low price Steem when it was around $1.4-$1.7, good for you. If not, we will still be able to benefit from it thanks to the 3.5 days delayed feed_price which you can refer how to do it at:

How to actually hack the price spiking of Steem?

The other useful tip is to make use of Steem Plus if you are a regular steemit user on Chrome. Under the wallet there is a new price indicator for your holdings using current market rate. From that you can clearly tell that how much feed_price of Steem is delayed after the live rate. The bigger the gap, the more you should have invested now in the votes to reap the biggest possible profit.


This whole thing is works like the knowing the jackpot result 3 days before the announcement, awesome!

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EOS the top 5 coin!


Coincidentally, after I made a gently reminder that to validate ETH registration with EOS last night, EOS spikes for a 40% gain out of nowhere today. That makes the validation even more important as your EOS worth a lot more now!

I have no idea whta is the cause of this price spiking but EOS is really ‘full of hype’ now. Don’t get me wrong, certain level of hype for a project is definitely healthy.

One-year long ICO, the ‘Decentralize Everything’ slogan, incantation of the genius @dan, and one of the top Github commit activity, making EOS the top 5 cryptocurrency in CMC.

Personally, looking at EOS now gave me the feeling as if I was looking at the $4 ETH back then.

EOS 很凑巧的在我昨天建议检查 ETH 地址登记之后就爆发了 40%,具体原因不清楚,但这就让检查更重要了,因为更值钱了啊。搞不好六月一号之后全都不见了恐怕会去撞墙。

种种因素比如“把一切去中心化”的口号,长达一年的奇葩 ICO,神人 Dan 的加持,还有 Github 最活跃之一的活动量等,都把还未出世的 EOS 变成了 Top 5。


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Validate ETH address registration with EOS before it is too late

Less than 60 days for EOS to end their one-year long ICO, no EOS token will be transferable and a snapshot will be taken at 01 June 2018. The most important thing to do for investors is to make sure all the ETH address used to receive EOS is properly registered. Else after the 01 June snapshot all the EOS attached might be gone forever.

If you invested in EOS and store it in your personal wallet but never register yet, you can follow this guide for MyEtherWallet, this guide for Exodus wallet or the official site for doing so.

I’ve registered mine using MyEtherWallet months ago and now I’m getting paranoid as the end date of ICO getting closer because there is no clear way to validate the registration.

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Easiest way to validate EOS registration in MyEtherWallet

  1. Open any ETH wallet in MyEtherWallet.
  2. Select Existing Contract selects EOS Contribution and click on Access.
  3. Select keys in the bottom left dropdown menu.
  4. Input ETH public address in the address and click READ
  5. If the ETH address is registered, string should return with a EOS public address.


If you hold EOS tokens on Exchanges will have to trust their service as they should do the necessary steps to claim all EOS after the end date of ICO. Anyway I would recommend DIY as the money in exchanges is not your money technically.

Make sure also you have the valid EOS keypair(public and private key) properly stored for access to the EOS token after June. You can always perform new registration over the old one as it would be overwritten.

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Steemit Name Challenge - @fr3eze

Saw this Steemit Name Challenge first by @abh12345 and his post was fun to read. Thanks @jrvacation for the nomination though.

The rules :
①Tell us in a post how you chose the current Steemit username you have. The story behind it.
②If you could change your current username, which name would you choose and why? If you have a possible usernames list, mention it!
③Use the tag #steemitnamechallenge so that the creator of the challenge can track all the posts and check them out
④Nominate 5 people for this challenge

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Why the name?

In my younger age, I was an avid gamer who love to play so much RPGs. Cast speller like Wizard is always my first choice in the job selection. As all the wizard skill tree will usually consist of elements such as fire, water and lightning, the water spells would always be my favourite as they can ice and slow down the enemies so I can take my time to break them down. Yeah, the word freeze* sounds just right for my style.

Furthermore, freeze is somehow synonymous with chill and cool which I wish could be part of my personality.

Thus I guess that would be a great idea that to use it as my first email username. Unfortunately, freeze@gmail.com was taken at that time. The younger me was a little bit down.

There was a trend to replace the E with 3 in the early Internet age so I decided to replace the first ‘e’ of the freeze so this is how fr3eze was born.

This username is kinda unique and 99% of the time when I register it as a username at other sites, it went through. So throughout the years it has become one of my main and favourited usernames, this is also why I use it as my name here in Steem.

Will I change it if given a chance?

Probably, to be honest.

First of all I did not realize the fact that username in Steem is permanent nor can I predicted that I would be so in love with this platform one year ago. A username that consists of both character and number is not so memory-friendly to most people.

Maybe I will go for the freeze or something more visual and symbolic that is easier to for people to remember.


@osm0sis @fundurian @tumutanzi @breathewind @bitrocker2020. These are the names that I was always curious about.


从小就爱玩 RPG 游戏,在众多职业当中最爱就是可以呼风唤雨的法师。而在法师的技能元素中每次比修炼的一定是冰机能。很喜欢那种把敌人冰冻起来,然后打碎满地的感觉,就是爽。那时候起,freeze 一词挺和我口味的。加上 freeze 也带有 冷静 的意思在内,是我希望在自己的气质里能够找得到的特质。就用这个作为我第一个电邮的用户名吧!

很不幸的,freeze@gmail.com 在十几年前的那个夏天早已被占用。那时候流行把 E 当作 3 的别字来用,不得已,不愿放弃的我只好把第一个 e 换了。就是这样 fr3eze 诞生了。




首先,注册 Steem 的时候并不知道用户名是永久不可更改的,当时候预测不了会有今天这般深陷于这平台上。

会选的名字可能就是当初的 freeze 吧,或是任何一些比较形象化和好记的。


@osm0sis @fundurian @tumutanzi @breathewind @bitrocker2020,开始你们的表演吧!

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