A must-have toolbox on Steemit

SteemPlus the most powerful toolbox for Steem

If you were using Chrome browser you must be very familiar with the Steem More Info extension that extending useful features on the steemit.com, this extension was once the reason why I can stand so long with the ugly and unfriendly steemit interface.

Now we have a stronger plugin available developed by @steem-plus which not only included all the features by the Steem More Info but introducing a lot more practical yet fun functions.

You can now add the SteemPlus via Chrome web store. Not sure if they supporting other browsers but I would definitely recommend you to try this out if you are on Chrome.

Image from @steem-plus

Fun features – User Classification


To me the most outstanding feature is the User Classification. You can tell all the accounts that you are interacting is either a Human, Spammer, or Bot. All the username will now have such tag beside in the feed, comment or replies page. But the plugin algorithm might not be perfect as I can see some of my friends are classified as Spammer while I don’t think he is one. Yet this is funny, haha!

More intuitive profile banner


A new badge on the left stating my Minnow status. Reputation are now in two decimal places so you know how far you are away from next level up. Mouse hovering over the info button you can know your current voting power and weight as well.


There are still tons of new features which could enrich Steem experience on steemit like a new delegation button, Steem/SBD/USD live rate, customizatble feed, favorites followees list, and so on.

After all, this toolbox has successfully drags me back a little from Busy.com!

最近出了一个很有用的神器 SteemPlus,不仅结合了之前的 Steem More Info 的种种功能,还加入了更多有趣也有用的玩法!其中最有趣的就是自动识别系统,可以自动帮你判断 Steemit 上所有名字的身份,是人类是机器人还是灌水者。当然该机器逻辑也不是完美的,比如 @jubi 就倍判定为 Spammer,看了实在是搞笑。

开启了这个插件还可让个人主页变得更直观。左边多了代表身份的锦旗,声望也多了两个小数点,就可以刚准确的知道自己里升级还有多远啦。还有太多的小改进和红能实在不能一一举例,有兴趣的就去 @steem-plus 看看吧!

总的来说,使用 Chrome 的走过路过不要错过

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Son Goku, my first Dragonball figure

Won this figure from a Arcade center in Japan. It was a figure capturing machine that you can try to catch the figure using a claw, each attempt cost 100 Yen.

I’m a big fan of Dragonball and got lucky to caught this within 5 attempts. It would costs around 2000 Yen for a figure like this.



The figure is created with amazing details that I wonder it was hand crafted or mass production by machine. All the body posture and face expression is perfectly mimics the Goku in comics. Amazing job.


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Overseas users buy books from Amazon China (dirt cheap!)

Preparing for a long journey on the bus tomorrow, I think that filling up my Kindle with new books would be a great idea. Being a big fan of Mr Louis Cha Leung-yung and read his books for endless time, this would be a good chance to buy the newly revised edition of The Deer and the Cauldron(鹿鼎记).

Amazon China is always the best place for buying chinese kindle books but sadly they have a limitation that only people in China could make a purchase. The good news is, it seems like Amazon China do not implement the limitation very strictly that oversea chinese readers can still buy books from the service.

This detailed guide will show you exactly how to do it: https://kindlemalaysia.com/buy-chinese-ebooks-amazoncn-outside-china/

I purchased whole 5 volumes of the book for just RMB 80 which could easily be 3x on the other online bookstore. What a steal!


明天的漫漫巴士长途行程在即,消耗时光而言有什么能比得上好书呢?所以我决定了入手新修版的神作《鹿鼎记》。中国亚马逊可是全球最大的中文书库,拥有 Kindle 的我怎么能够错过。通过这篇攻略解决了海外购书问题,最后成功以¥80入手了全五册的《鹿鼎记》,要知道在外头可能花上三倍的价格都未必买到,这里还多了亚马逊+Kindle 的无缝连接体验,实在是超值!

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Trezor VS Ledger Nano S comparison

I personally own two famous hardware wallet in the market now, the Trezor and Ledger Nano S. Both serve me really well and give me zero problems so far. However, they are not created equally thus after using them for some time, it would be good to compare them hand to hand from head to toe.


Trezor Ledger Nano S
Package Trezor comes with the anti-tampering seal box that opening process irreversible. Comes with minimal accessories like one keychain and two recovery sheets Ledger is not sealing their wallet package as they are confident that no one can hack the physical device itself. Comes with more accessories like necklace chain, keychain and one recovery sheet.
Design Whole plastic build gives a not-so-premium impression and the design was a bit old-school considering it was the first hardware wallet. But everything holds up and works well. More modern design and nice looking. The overall build is solid.

|Difficulty|Easy and friendly. The Trezor firmware holds all the supported wallets at once. Most of the operation currently handled by the Chrome browser application unless you are making transaction then confirmation action will be needed on the device.|Difficult. Although Ledger supports more tokens but you will need to download and setup each wallet that you needed as the device comes in empty. If you were to install five wallets for different coins, you will need to install five different Chrome wallets. The process can be sometimes confusing.|
|Price|€89 (as of now)|€79.00 (as of now)|
|Supported tokens|At this moment it is Bitcoin, Litecoin, Dash, Zcash, Bitcoin Cash, Bitcoin Gold, Ethereum (+ all ERC-20 tokens), Ethereum Classic, Expanse, UBIQ, NEM, Namecoin, Dogecoin and Bitcoin Testnet. Refer here.| Generally supported more coins like the famous Ripple, Stratis, Neo, Stellar, Qtum and more. Refer here.|

Those will be the major difference between Trezor and Nano S. Talking about the most important measurement of hardware wallet, both provide top-notch security undoubtedly.

Should you invest in one of it? There is a rule of thumb for this question, that if your investment in crypto is equal or more than one week of wages, you should get one. You can’t go wrong by any one of it.


我同时拥有 Trezor 和 Ledger Nano S,在使用了数个月之后很是应该做出个比较。

Trezor Ledger Nano S
包装 使用防伪封密包装,所有开箱都是不可逆的过程。配有简单必要的配件。 其团队宣称设备本身具有防止篡改功能,所以不需要是应用防伪包装。配件方面较为丰富。

|设计|由于是最早的硬件钱包,设备设计风格偏 Old-school,但是所有元件软件等都触感良好。|风格摩登好看,质量也是没得说。屏幕比较小。

|价格|€89 (截稿为止)| €79.00(截稿为止)|
|支持币种|Bitcoin, Litecoin, Dash, Zcash, Bitcoin Cash, Bitcoin Gold, Ethereum (+ ERC-20 tokens), Ethereum Classic, Expanse, UBIQ, NEM, Namecoin, Dogecoin, Bitcoin Testnet. 参考这里.| 基本上支持更多的币种如有名的 Ripple, Stratis, Neo, Stellar, Qtum 等。 参考这里.|

尽管两者存在些许分别,但是在硬件钱包最重要的能力来说 — 安全保密性,两者都是无可挑剔的。那么应不应该入手一个?币圈有个不成文的说法,那就是如果你的投资价值多过一个星期的工资,就入手吧!两者选其一,都不会错的。

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ICO + John McAfee Tweet = $$$


It turns out John McAfee is now charging $105,000 per tweet for promoting crypto projects after realizing his tweet could actually make a huge impact on any mentioned projects.

Once McAfee tweeter was working like the Midas touch that whatever project promoted by him would gain a 100% gain over a short period. People even start making bots to track his tweet and automatically buy the tokens hoping the catch the McAfee effect.

How tweets are created

We turn down over 90% of all companies wanting to buy our services. The reason is that only products and services that Mr.McAfee truly believes in will be promoted. These are products or services that Mr.McAfee has personally purchased or used and is pleased enough with to engage in promotions, or ICOs whose white paper describes a vision in line with Mr.McAfee’s vision and the company producing it has passed our thorough audit.
McAfee Crypto Team

Yeah, it means that project owners cannot secure a partnership with Mr.Midas Touch just because they can afford the 100k fee. Their projects have to be to genuinely valuable or at least believed by McAfee himself, which makes the tweet promotion sounds like a real solid recommendation.

To follow McAfee tweet’s promotion or not?

For short-term traders, maybe. This is just another pump-and-dump game where speed is the key. The early you get to react to the tweet and buy in before price being pumped, the higher the chance you are going to make money from it.

However for long term investor, this might not be the good idea.

Although the McAfee team claims that they only promote projects that have a genuine value and turns down most of the offer they received, nobody can verify that claim but the team itself. Trusting a paid endorsement for an investment is like trusting the bank account will be the best place to store our money.

DYOR(Do Your Own Research) is the most important key here. Only putting the hard earn money on things that you know and comfortable to hold it through up and down over the period.

It is Okay to be notified by McAfee tweet about the optimism of a certain project. Be sure to read the whitepaper, join the community discussion, or even view the codes on Github, before pulling the trigger. Always do your due diligence.

Image source

John McAfee 这位高调异常的老头从防毒软件巨头成功的转型成加密货币专家。前一阵子他在 Tweeter 所推荐的货币项目无不在短时间内爆升,真的有点石成金之效。他也顺理成章的推出了 Tweeter 推荐服务,任何货币想要得到他的推荐,没问题,一个 Tweet 收费美一百千。实在全身都是生意头脑。


短线的话不妨玩一玩,但这就变成另一种 Pump and Dump 游戏,消息灵通的手快的就能赶在价格拉升之前入手,速度是关键。


DYOR(Do Your Own Research)是所有币圈投资者最该执行的原则。尽管点金大师的团队声明服务尽管收费,但他们只会推荐有前景和价值的项目,90% 的服务买家都会被拒绝。除了他们自己没人能证实这点。所以该做的功课还是要做的,当然钱太多就另当别论了。

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Will you take part in the ICO that backed by world-class boxer?

This post is triggered by two interesting news today. The first is SEC Charges Floyd Mayweather-backed ICO with Fraud.

Image source

What can you directly link to when someone mentions the name of Floyd Mayweather? Boxing. He is one of the most legendary boxers with the undefeated record and made a shit ton of money. If he comes and offering me a boxing class or give me one or two tips on boxing, it would be more than welcome.

However, if he texts me and said “Look dude, I think I found a golden goose in ICO/IPO/stocks. Let’s making money together!” Will I listen to him? A big no-brainer NO of course. Why would I take a financial advice from a professional boxer in the first place?

The ICO fraud happened because Floyd influences did take effect that the ICO he backed did very well in collecting fund, but unfortunately some of the ICO ran away with investors money. Who are those investors? Floyd’s fans are definitely part of the victims. Is Floyd lost his money as well? Nobody can make sure whether he did invest in the ICO that he backed, but I’m sure his pockets are full of cash for the ‘advertisement’ service.

I’m sorry for the victims but people really need to learn a lesson the hard way. You become a fan of a boxer by admiring his performance on the stage, not because he is wise at making financial investment. Let alone the dangerous crypto space. People need to get their logic right.

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