How to actually hack the price spiking of Steem? 赚点小钱的旁门左道

The only great news to all the people on Steem today is that sudden surge of Steem for 50%, spiking from $1.5 all the way to $2.2. The reason was unknown as no one could ever link correctly the price trend to any crypto events. Some said it was due to the awesome update of Hivemind, some said this is a usual bounce after such a hard crash. None of it matters in fact, the question we all should care about is,

How can we benefit from this price spiking?

Yes we can, and it could be as much as the increment of Steem price we see today.


To understand how this trick works we first have to understand how is Steem blockchain calculating the actual feed price. It is not based on the current market price but using the average price of last 3.5 days.

You can simply calculate the feed_price by Steem Power/Estimated Account Value, or make use of the SteemTools developed by @justyy.


As of now, the feed price is $1.5, let’s say Steem will maintain at $2 for the next 3.5 days. This feed price will slowly increase to $2 after one week.

So what does this mean?

Our post payout solely depends on the feed_price as well. Still couldn’t get it?

Gather all the votes you can from vote-selling site like SmartSteem on your recent post. Sit back and chill while watching the value of the post growing.

You can buy votes from other bots but make sure to choose those with positive ROI.

For example, if you are able to get $10 of votes today while the feed_price is $1.5. After half a week your post will be valued 33% more at $13.33 as feed_price catch up to $2.

Of course everything comes with risks

Here are the few assumptions that must happen for this trick to work:

  • Steem market price has to be maintained at least higher than $1.5 level.
  • Vote buying ROI cannot be negative or else it would eat up the profit.

This trick works best if you already have Steem and SBD on hand to spend. Even if you decided to buy some hot Steem for the post-pumping, it doesn’t hurt much as a true Steem believer for this trick to fail because you just adding more power to the investing position!

今天的 Steem 狂飙车想必大家已经知晓,确实的原因也没人能说得上来。但没关系,毕竟上来就已经是好事。真正应该问的问题是,我们能从这一波猛涨里额外获益吗?


前提是你要知道 Steem 体系如何计算 feed_price, 那就是使用最近 3.5 天的平均价。而我们的帖子收入也是根据这个喂价上下波动,目前尽管市价已经升到 $2,但是均价还是在 $1.5 左右。

什么?还是 get 不到?

你要做的就是极尽所能的集合所有的赞,比如从 SmartSteem 那里买赞给自己最新的帖子。然后就坐等看着帖子收益慢慢上升吧。 以今天的均价买赞,要是 3.5 天以后市价都可以维持在 $2 ,帖子收益就会上升 33%!今天价值 $10 的帖子半个星期后会变成 $13.33 哦!


这个旁门左道要生效的话有两大前提:Steem 市价在未来 3.5 天起码要高于 $1.5, 和你获得赞的回报率不可为负数。

当然这旁门左道就算失败了,对真正在 Steem 有信仰的人来说也没什么,就当作是一次低价买入咯!

Take part in the MoxyOne ICO now!

This page is synchronized from the post: ‘How to actually hack the price spiking of Steem? 赚点小钱的旁门左道’

Amazing infinity mirror effect on computer!


Missing my old game so much that I remote login to my home PC from office via TeamViewer for some remote gaming session. While the game itself is running on my home pc VM, it would be good to remote control the VM from office laptop for more direct connection.

This is how I accidentally discovered the secret recipe for forming Infinite Mirror effect on computer. Have a look:


How to do this:

Prepare a remote control software like TeamViewer and three computer sessions. We need at least one physical computer and the rest of two can be VM within it. In my case it was:

  • Machine A: Office laptop
  • Machine B: Home PC
  • Machine C: VM inside Machine C

From Machine A remote login to Machine B. From remote session Machine B, initiate the VM Machine C and start the TeamViewer in it. Lastly, remote login to the
Machine A from Machine C.

Machine A -> Machine B -> Machine C -> Machine A


Nice tailing effect caused by the network delay, glad that this infinite loop didn’t crash the sessions. Have fun!

我们知道把两块镜子面对面放在一起就会产生”无限镜效应“。今天碰巧 发现了如何在电脑上呈现这个效果。首先准备三台电脑(起码要有一台是真实的,另外两个可以虚拟的 VM。),分别为 A``BC。接下来就简单了,使用远程登入软件例如 TeamViewer 依次登入:

A ->B -> C -> A,大功告成!

网路上的延迟造就了长尾延迟效果,相当 amazing 吧!

Take part in the MoxyOne ICO now!

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My personal art showcasing site 建立个人艺术作品网页

Thanks Steem for making me pick up the once lost drawing hobby again. I’ve actively created around 20 pieces of art during my days on the platform. All of them were the entries for various art contests and I’ve blessed that most of them were the winners!

Though Steem blockchain is the best place to store the posts permanently, it doesn’t offer a good way to keep my previous artworks in a ‘album’ way(Steem only store text permanently, you can still lose the photos).

So I decided to set up a website

Mainly for hosting and showcasing purpose. Never setting up one before and too lazy to pick up the learning curve, I go with the easiest option – Wix. No need to get a domain, database and server and whatsoever. All the user need to do is register an account, pick a web styyle and start uploading content onto it. Wix basically got you covered in everything.


I wanted to keep everything simple and easy. Chose a theme that host all my works on the homepage with two columns and I find it looks really good since I have different size and ratio of entries. Scroll the way down to see all the photos.

I’ve put on some details on the About page just to explain my attitude about art a little. Included email, and Discord as the way of contacting me as well.


I understand that using one-stop website solution like Wix might not be the sustainable way if things are getting serious. For example, this free package comes with a very limited bandwidth for traffic. And the feature are quite limited on customizing the site even with premium package. But I guess that will serve the my purpose for now. Here is the URL if you would like to pay a visit:

尽管 Steem 作为是很好的展示内容创作的平台,但是对于集中性的收集帖子方面,前端网站们做的不是很好,没有提供一个类似相簿的功能。我决定做个网站来专门收集和展示以往在这里所创作过的艺术作品。由于不想(懒惰)去学习新的知识技术,我走了最快的网站建立捷径,那就是 Wix!

网站设计的主题我追求的是简单明了。在主页上就能把我所有的作品通过拉下的操作一览无遗,在 About 页面还加了点关于我对艺术创作的态度和联络方式。

虽然省却了很多麻烦,但要是以后要认真把网站搞起来的话,Wix 不会是长久之计。目前作为单纯收集的用途还是可以应付得来的。网址是:


Take part in the MoxyOne ICO now!

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Retro gaming on PC (2)


Apart from the legendary Nintendo console gaming, PC gaming in early 2000 was a big part of my life when Windows XP was the mainstream OS. I started to miss some of the old-school games I used to play all day back then. Most of them are Chinese games that can still be found on Baidu forum thanks for the gaming enthusiasts. And soon I realised there is a huge barrier between me and those games.

Most of them are not compatible with Windows 10

Now I can understand why some of my hard-core gamer friends are still reluctant to upgrade to Win 10 from Win 7 as it as better compatibility to old 32-bit games. Not only I could not install some of the old games on the my Win 10 PC, most of them running in weird resolution and do not allow to run in windowed mode. That could simply spell disaster. I have to find an alternative or else I have to kiss-goodbye to the goodies that used to bring me much happiness.

Virtual machine solves all the problems!

There are couple of benefits that make running old games on VM is the best idea ever:

  • No more compatibility issues as you can just install any OS that suit the games. We can choose to install any OS that suits the game.
  • While old games image are usually extracted and consolidated by strangers on the Internet, we do not know if the image is maliciously infected. Running games on a VM could eliminate all the worries as the host OS is not affected.
  • Full screen of windowed mode gaming, it’s all up to you!

How do I set it up?

  1. I decided to go with Windows XP as it is old enough to host all the retro games while being one of the most reputable Windows series. Here is the name of best Windows XP variant, en_windows_xp_professional_with_service_pack_3_x86_cd_vl_x14-73974.iso which you can download from here.

  2. Next step is to get a Virtual machine, I use the simple yet powerful VirtualBox. There are plenty of guides online or you can just follow this one.

  3. Make sure you enable the Install Guest Additions inside the VM for a seamless experience. I would say this is a must do step for all VirtualBox user as this trick will make the VM run as another app in the host OS without any delay and lag. You can discover more tips on this VM by following this guide.

  4. Depending on what games you want to install, since most retro games are extracted in ISO form, you will need a Daemon Tools Lite installed as well.

You should be all set after following all the step above now. Happy Gaming!


Here is my desktop layout while gaming, writing this post and streaming a Steemit gathering that is happening in Guangzhou China!

Related topic:
Retro gaming on PC

想回味当年的 PC 旧游戏却因为当前的系统太新而装不了?Virtual machine 可以帮你解决一切!

下载个 VirtualBox,然后再下个 Windows XP安装就可,如果需要安装指南网上有很多,亦可以参考这篇

这里切记装好XP 之后要安装 Guest Addition, 参考这里。开启完毕你会发现 VM 的运行真的是无缝对接,宛如是原生系统上的其中一个软件,顺畅无比。

在 VM 上玩游戏除了可以解决系统兼容问题,还可以杜绝病毒‘。而且那时候的游戏都不支持窗口模式,用 VM 就能窗口全屏一手抓!


Retro gaming on PC

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A better alternative to Downvote 比踩人更好的方法

Previously I’ve discussed what’s the most hated phrase on Steem, typically those could be any meaningless spam comments we all receive every day. Such behaviour usually initiated by new or minnow user, but what about the normal users who have invested some SP and carry some voting weight?

They rather self-vote their comment than my post

These people would normally read through your whole post and leave some comments that make sense, which is great. Then they would self-vote their comment with full force which I’m totally fine with it too. But when I go through my post’s vote list and I found no trace of him upvoting even for 1%, that is what gives me a complicated feeling.

How do I interpret such action?

If someone finished my 3-minute long article and leave no sign of appreciation(upvote or resteem), but upvote his own one-line comment with full power. To me that could only mean one thing, he wants to tell me that my post is actually shittier than his comment.

Of course, comment self-voting can have other meanings as well. For example that he might want to pin his comment at the top to raise more visibility. Or he just wants to make sure the author read his comment, or whatever. As the post author, I don’t feel good upon such action anyhow.


Sir, just gotta let you know your content sucks. My comment would worth more!

Sure, I know they self-vote just for the profit

I’m old enough on the Steem platform to correctly analyse such action, most of them are just rather reap all the return generated by their SP than giving it away to the authors. Everyone has the right to do what they want with their vote, I have no problem with it at all. But if everything were solely for making greater profit, do me a favour:

Sell your vote or delegate all SP to the SmartSteem.

By doing so,

  • Definitely you get higher return without the shame of self-voting.
  • You can save all the hassle of commenting and self-voting.
  • You can stop disgust the authors unintentionally.
  • Author will have the peace of mind now.

Looking from the wider perspective, this is the perfect alternative way to downvote a post. You use the voting power to self-vote instead of wasting it to downvote the post which you think has less value than your comment. In this way, you successfully conveying the message that the content is subpar yet get rewarded, by you. Win-win! (use this trick with caution though)


当然事故如我,其实很清楚这种行为其实只是为了盈利,宁愿把自己的 SP 盈利来回归自己的口袋都不给作者。这是无可厚非的,别人也无权过问的。但要是单纯是为了盈利,请帮帮忙这样做:

卖赞或干脆把全部 SP 租给SmartSteem.


  • 回酬肯定比点赞自己来的更高。
  • 不用烦心每次留言自己点赞,省时省力。
  • 不再需要老是恶心周围的人。
  • 作者的小小心灵不会受到伤害。

话说回来,我似乎发现了什么?这难道不是替代 Downvote 的另一种更棒的方法?当发现某篇文章写得太烂,与其把 VP 浪费在 Downvote,还不如留个言点个赞,恶心作者的同时还有钱收,双赢啊!(请小心使用此伎俩)

Take part in the MoxyOne ICO now!

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MoxyOne ICO Review, a project to convert cryptocurrency to instant fiat!

What is MoxyOne?


MoxyOne aims to provide a seamless infrastructure for cryptocurrency company/team to allow their user in order to spend tokens.

For new ICO or existing crypto company that are widely spread over different niches other than payment system, they will have to invest extra resources and effort to develop in-house payment channel for the end-user to utilize their tokens. By white labelling MoxyOne wallet system, the partner company can now skip all the unnecessary cost to offer debit cards to the public.

For end-users like us, we can now convert our cryptocurrency to fiat instantly no matter it is making a purchase at a shop or even withdraw fiat from an ATM.


What about MoxyOne vs its competitors?

We know Monaco and TenX are the biggest players in the field but there is something exclusively offered by MoxyOne. That is the ability to whitelist ICOs or existing crypto teams to allow their users spending the tokens in real life.

Furthermore, with MoxyOne JITF(Just-In-Time Funding) protocol, users don’t have to reload the card with crypto like the competitor’s prepaid card model. This not only would avoid unnecessary losses if the card went missing, but the overall payment process is seamlessly smooth.



What is MoxyAI?

MoxyAI is another killer feature that helps users to spend their tokens with best-value at the time of sale.

Let’s say user have BTC and ETH in the cards and would like to buy a cup of coffee while BCH goes down 10% and ETH spike to 15% at that point of time, MoxyAI will suggest to using ETH for the payment instead of the default currency BTC.

MoxyAI will always choose the best performing tokens for best possible value in a transaction. Buy low sell high remember?



What is the token for MoxyOne?

SPEND is the token that will mainly responsible for individual transactions and transactions fee. It was not designed for buy and hold but SPEND is meant to fuel the whole MoxyOne payment system. As all transactions will incur negligible fees in term of SPEND, this healthy circulation of SPEND tokens will become a valuable asset and we can the value to grow over time.


Token Abbreviation: SPEND
Token Name: Spend
Hard Cap (Maximum Supply): 50, 000, 000 SPEND
Token Network: Ethereum (ERC20 extended)
Emission Rate No new coins will ever be created after token sale end


How will the SPEND value grows?


As every transaction using the MoxyOne system are required to pay a negligible fee in SPEND including:

  • Liquid provider need to acquire 100,000 SPEND to partner with MoxyOne
  • User needs to get some SPEND for transaction fee.
  • ICO or exchanges partners need to acquire minimum amount of SPEND for partnership.

Demand over SPEND as the fule of MoxyOne will only go up over time as the project expands.


Did MoxyOne establish any partnership with third parties already?


Crypto companies like Sociall, Gladius, eBitcoin, FLUX, Invox Finance, and zero-fee exchange Cobinhood has already be MoxyOne partners, and the list is growing.

Amazing marketing effort for a project that is still in the ICO phase I would say!


Why participating in MoxyOne ICO now?

You gain extra 10% of SPEND tokens before 15 April 2018 01:00 UTC.

1 ETH is priced at 1000 SPEND in the ICO. With that said, investing 1 ETH would get you total 1100 SPEND, not bad at all!


When will I get the SPEND tokens?

Distribution of SPEND is programmed using smart contract and it is immediate upon every ETH send in. Use to check address balances.


Whats is the minimum goal of this ICO?

MoxyOne ICO has a soft cap of 4000 ETH which all the collected ETH will be refunded to contributors if the soft cap is not met upon the ICO completion. This would be executed by smart contract as well.


Take part in the MoxyOne ICO now!


All images contains within this post are belong to MoxyOne.

This is not a financial advice. Please do your own research.


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