Now you can add BTC and ETH addresses on your profile

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I discovered something interesting in the, that now you can add Bitcoin and Ethereum address to the profile!

Go to own profile page and click on Edit Profile, there are some new columns allows to fill in social sites like Facebook and Reddit, but I’m interested in the new cryptocurrency address fill-in option!



Fill in the addresses and Save. Active key will be needed to for SteemConnect to apply the changes. Hmm, I’m not aware that changing profile information will need to write in Steem blockchain.


After successfully submitted, take a look at steemd and yes, it is recorded on the blockchain right away.

And take a look at the profile, two new links for Bitcoin and Ethereum will be at the bottom of left panel. Clicking them will lead to the blockchain explorer respectively.

Now my readers can tips me Bitcoin, yay!


Is this feature useful? Actually I think not. For tipping purpose readers might just full vote the post, or even send Steem or SBD to the authors.

Bear in mind whatever you’ve provided here is directly written on the immutable blockchain. If you were to use the same address for something illegal like scamming or blackmailing, people could just reverse search the address and everything will link back to your Steem profile. And if you expose your real identity here…

Okay, things are not as bad if you are a good guy. After all, the only thing people can do with your addresses is sending tokens into it, right?

今天发现 有个好玩的地方,点开 Edit Profile 会发现除了可以加入 Facebook 和 Reddit 等社交媒体的链接,还可加入比特币和以太坊的地址!

经过一番操作,地址们就永远的被记录在区块链上。去自己的主页上可以看到地址出现了,这下读者们终于可以打赏 Bitcoin 和 Ethereum 给我了。开玩笑,有这时间还不如给我点 Steem 还是 SBD,毕竟还可省下一笔转账费,呵呵。


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Don't walk on the street naked anymore

Do you care about your online privacy? Most of us don’t. We are Okay if someone is peeping what we are doing in the Internet, where we establish connection to the world, what have we browsed in the Amazon. Maybe you are not Okay with all the listed traciking activities upon you, but unfortunately those trackings happens all the time in the backend that ordinary user would not even notice.

How do you feel if someone keeps peeping at you?


Comparing our real-life and Internet-life could be funny. Imagine the following scene:

You are having a leisure window-shopping walk in a mall, a brand new Nike sneaker behind display windows get your attention that you spent a few glances at it and then walk away. Soon, one or two sales persons pop up out of nowhere promoting sport sneakers to you, because they have been lurking in the dark corner tracking what your shopping behaviour.

What would you do to the sales person? Undoubtedly, you turn down the offer and dismiss them irritatically realizing how they sneaking behind you and observe the trails you left behind. If we put this scenario in the digital world and no one is making a complaint, as it is what Google do upon us all everyday. Last minute we were surfing something commercial, the next minute the creepy Google will start to push related advertisements. But no one gets mad over it.

Internet privacy is more important that what you think

I used to think my privacy matters nothing on the Internet, as I’m not the any sort of superstar or celebrities so no one would care about my information. This mindset is as wrong as “It’s Okay I can live in a house without walls because I’m not a star.”.

We do not value our privacy much in the World Wide Web because we don’t see the way to cash it, which is what Google does best while building a kingdom of advertisement. Let’s say you have no problem with the commercial part, exposing everything online might put one in a danger place if some ill-purposed parties have some interest in exploiting the naked sheep.

Furtheremore, in the coming era of cryptocurrencies, network privacy has never been so vital when everyone is literally running its own bank. You know how to harden the defence online first before investing in the crypto, not the other way round. Network security will be one of the fundamental classes in the future primary school.

So how to preserve our anonymity?

Tor would be the best and free option for most people, but the drawback is the slow performance. VPN can be a great alternative for high privacy and speed at the cost of subscription fee for the service. And it could be tricky to find a reliable VPN service provider who would truly protecting their customer’s privacy.

Are you still decided to walk on the street naked?


在一个悠闲的下午,走在广场的你被玻璃柜里的新款 Nike 球鞋吸引了目光。短暂打量了一会以后,你就继续往前走了。说时迟那时快,前面拐角处就蹦出个推销员小哥,手上拿着球鞋向你推销。仔细一看,咦,这不是刚才看过的同款球鞋吗?为什么他会知道呢?很简单,因为他一直躲在角落里观察和记录你的行动。

那你如何反应呢?大概率是恶心的说一句”滚”。但有没想过,这个正是 Google 百度等天天在对你做的事情,你却处之泰然。

This page is synchronized from the post: ‘Don’’t walk on the street naked anymore’

A conversation with a scammer

Recently I was in a Telegram ICO group for a particular project, asking some technical questions for the admins to answer. This has become a norm for almost all ICO have their official Telegram channel to interact with the public. This very ICO group is quite famous that it has over 37k members in it, some of the ‘safety admins’ constantly repeating some anti-scammer message saying the true admins will not direct messaging the members.

And I bumped into one

I guess I was targeted after making a few appearances by asking questions.

I knew immediately this is a scammer when he first messaged me. He was using the photo and name of one of the admins in the Telegram group. A simple reverse tracking can clearly tell he was a fake. I was in the playful mood this morning and I decided to see how he plays his tricks on the victims.

Blockchain account. Pffffttttt.

I almost couldn’t hold my laughter. He cannot even get the crypto glossaries correct. Or maybe the victims are usually less educated so he has to use the conventional concept for bait the fish easier?

Finally he provided the real deal, his ETH address. I took a look at it at, zero balance with an empty record. Fresh address.

To make him more greedy, I even suggest that I could invest 300 more ETH that I wish I have. But damn, this man is somewhat a kind-hearted scammer that he would just take the 50 ETH deal!

Scammer examination time, not bad of a reaction from him. I would give an A for that answer.

Here comes the second exam, the technical round. While he still busying proving his genuineness.

OK, he used the “dragging” tactic for the first question, not bad. What about one more technical question?

He seems like panicked a little bit and gave me some confusing answers which are conflicting with one another.

And he got annoyed obviously. Thus trying to steer the focus away and urge me to ‘invest’.

Too bad my works kick in and I have to end this game. God this man was scamming around without even reading up the Whitepaper.

Also he claimed he made millions by scamming this way, not sure how true about this statement. If it is not a lie, I’d be the more qualified scammer, damn.

今天在 Telegram 遇到个骗子,刚巧有兴致我就和他玩了一下。有兴趣的就去看看上面的截图吧。最后谨记,在虚拟世界你看到的不一定是真实的,时刻怀疑一切才是王道。

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This page is synchronized from the post: ‘A conversation with a scammer’ is the best Steem site for two reasons


Busy has now become the main site for me to access Steem blockchain for a while. Literally, they almost have every feature to be more superior than its big brother, Page layout, price indicator, vote value for each voter, so on and so on. The overall experience in is so positive that when I wanted to show some interesting articles to my other non-steemer friends, I use the link from Busy.

However, all the abovementioned improvement in Busy are not enough to drag me away from the habit of doing most of my Steem stuff in I can live without the nicer UI but below are the two killer reasons that I must visit at least a few times a day.

I can now access the damn Notifications, natively, for free!

I am going to make a serious complaint about the big and first front-end site here, @steemit/ Your system makes everyone mention others easily with @, really cool design for another way of communication to ping each other. But the ‘sending’ part is what you only have taken care of, while totally abandoning the ‘receiving’ end. User who is mentioned has no way to get to know that they are mentioned!!

Yes I’m aware of third-party app like SteemData will achieve that but isn’t that is too troublesome just to receive a simple notification? Some service like MinnowBoooster even makes the notification one of their Premium service for a fee!


A big hail to the for nailing this fundamental feature that every social website should have delivered in the first place.


Finally I can access all the notification without going to other application, type in my username and search. We can now see everything includes:

  • Who has shared/resteemed your blog
  • Who has commented on your post
  • Who has sent money to you
  • Who has followed you

If God makes me decide only one Steem site can live, I would absolutely go for just because of the notification.

Busy host image using IPFS

The text is forever stored on the Steem blockchain, but not our uploaded images. The only reason you can still view the 1-year old image of your old post is that the servers are still alive, and those image-hosting services are likely centralized. While the hyperlink in the post with format ![image.png]( stays true forever on the blockchain, the service it pointed at may be long gone after a decade. And the image portion of old post will forever stay blank, tragic.


In the world of blockchain and cryptocurrency, decentralization is key. We decided to switch to our own distributed image hosting solution. It aims to be an alternative to our previous image hosting which was centralized and costly (Cloudinary).

In short, IPFS makes all the upload image on Busy stored in multiple locations in chunks. Single point of failure is eliminated. Our images have never been more secured on Steem. Just in case if you are not aware, @dtube is using IPFS for the video storing as well.

If you are interested to know more this amazing technology, visit the Official IPFS site and maybe give it a read of the whitepaper. 已经变成了我日常必来的 Steem 网页,我们姑且不论它比大哥 steemit 其他优胜的地方(UI实在是好看好用太多),就说以下两点功能已经足以让我离不开它:

  • 终于有免费方便的 Notification 可看

终于可以一站式知道谁回复了,谁关注了,谁转发了,谁转钱了。作为社交网站这个最基本的功能居然由第三方的 Busy 搞定,Steemit 你惭不惭愧?

  • 上传的图片使用 IPFS 保存

低价,高效,去中心化的网络,图片若干年后丢失的可能性大大降低。dtube 也是使用 IPFS 保存视频哦。

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This page is synchronized from the post: ‘ is the best Steem site for two reasons’

A correction prediction about ICON pump by Cindicator 押对了

Three days ago, Cindicator presented some strong signals about ICOJ(ICX), which I have no idea what this projects is about despite of knowing it is one of the top 100 coins in


It predicted ICX will have a 40% gain before 21 April againt BTC with a probability of 81.54% which is a very high probability indicator.

It is quite rare that the Cindicator would provide such a syirng signal about crypto price prediction.


Let’s bet onto it again

I bought the ICX with remaining ETH fund right away, even though Cindicator failed me one time before about XLM prediction and have zero knowledge about ICX nonetheless(not advisable!).

Given ETH always have a strong correlation with BTC, I did not convert to BTC for this time.


Turns out to be a BINGO decision so far!

It went up from 0.00581 to 0.007721 ETH in just three days while all the other altcoins dipping, whooping 33% gain! Thanks to the koreans who started to pump the coin after ICX listing on Bithumb. I wasn’t aware of this before anyhow (again, dangerous move!)

This is just another test for Cindicator signal but I have to confess that sometimes I would just put my whole trust on the processed indicator boldly. Glad that it is a happy ending for me this time. Did you buy into this too, @fundurian?

这次 Cindicator 很罕见的又给出了强烈的信号,这次是关于 ICON(ICX) 的。信号说 ICX 有机会在接下来的一个月上升 46% ,而且发生的机会是高达 80%。

在对这只货币毫不知情的情况下我就入手了(非常不建议这么做),尽管上次 Cindicator 还预测错了一次

还好三天以来真的上涨了不少,目前为止最好有足足 33% 的涨幅。原来是因为 ICX 登上了韩国最大交易所 Bithumb ,韩国人疯狂炒卖所致,这些流言新闻我甚至之前都闻所未闻(再次强调不建议这样投机)。所幸这次终于押对了。不知 @fundurian 有没有买?

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This page is synchronized from the post: ‘A correction prediction about ICON pump by Cindicator 押对了’

This parameter might help to tell who is really a popular Steem author

We know what not to look at when judging if someone on Steem is popular. Reputation, post payouts, comment number and votes amount. Almost all of it can be controlled by bots, to be more precise, vote-selling bot. Not being disrespectful here but those elements are just not the things to look for in hunting a popular user.

So what to look for instead?

In my opinion, it must be the underrated View Count!

Steem is one of the pioneer projects to monetize content creation that everyone keeps their focus on how to game the system to maximize profit, that they ignoring the ultimate goal of creating content – to attract as much attention as possible.

I understand there are several front-end like,, and the language-specific site like Traffic to the same content would be diversified as each individual sites only can keep the view count locally. Nonetheless, it should not be the reason to overlook the importance of this parameter.

It is easy to hit $20 for the payout with help of voting bots while the total view count is just 9. I would rather my hard work could reach 100 pairs of eyes while scoring payout with only $2.

A great content creator could grab a bunch of readers, but those readers might not always holding high SP. I must not be alone in such mindset. is the only site to keep track of view count


But all it does is just providing a number on each of the posts and that’s it. There is no way in the author homepage or post list that you can have an overview of average view or total page view kind of things with ease. Because it doesn’t matter very much in the world of Steem remember? View count doesn’t affect payout, powerful vote does. Guess this is why no one bothers to care about this parameter much rather than those gameable value.

But view counting is nothing more than a child’s play now

It now works as “+1 per click on the link”. With automated scripts or bots anyone could easily bump up the view count of course, but it won’t be happening until view count actually becomes a thing of Steem. Til then, the site owner can easily define and limit the invalid traffic.

Look for the view count

So next time when you decided to check if someone is actually having a huge crowd of audience, open a few of his recent posts and check on the view count. It might not be telling the whole truth but at least it has a certain reference value.

Do not be surprised if some superstars with 10,000 followers averaging just about 3 view count per post.

May be @steemit or should consider making view count as one of the significant parameters in one’s profile.

我相信不是每个在这里创作的人都是收入至上的,当然收入可以很可观的话是最好,但我坚信一篇好的创作要有最大的瀑光率才可发挥其最大价值。而讽刺的是你的忠实读者们未必会是大鱼拥有大量 SP,可以通过大力点赞来变现你的内容。


上一篇我说过了关注者,点赞量,留言量等等是可以操控的指标。目前似乎唯有最不受关注的阅读量(View count)能有参考价值,但也并非绝对。

所以如何判断一个作者是否拥有足够人气?去他的主页,点开最近几篇文章查看阅读量吧,只在 有用哦。

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