Ledger Nano S 1.4 firmware update for Evil Maid attack

First of all, all the Ledger Nano S owner should update the device with the help of this official link. Failing to do so and anyone who has physical access to the Nano S might be able to extract private keys from it.

Architecture of Ledger Nano S is not tampering proof

This security vulnerability was discovered by the 15-year old genius white hat hacker Saleem Rashid who saved some unfortunate guys by hacking their Trezor for retrieving the digital assets inside.

Read more about this security risk in the technical report on his official blog site. Indeed an informational and interesting article as it explained how actually the wallet is working and how he implemented the hack. Recommended reading material for crypto lovers.

Also, as Trezor had the same vulnerability on physical hardware attack before as well, it is vital to secure your wallets physically. This is certainly would not be the last security leak imposed by the wallet’s hardware architecture.

Security notes for hardware wallet

  • Always get your hardware wallet from the official sites.
  • Keep the seed secured and never expose to anybody. Reseed/Reset the whole device for first time setup.
  • Even though it is password protected, keep safe the physical device.
  • To the extreme caution, review the firmware code in Github, build it yourself and flash it to the device to make sure the wallet is totally clean and free from tamper.

要是你有 Ledger Nano S,赶紧去 官方网页更新最新版本的固件。报告指出 Nano S 并非是不能被骇的,这次的攻击是通过物理接触而触发的,非常严重。

之前 Trezor 也爆出物理攻击时间,由此可见硬件钱包也不是如你想象中的稳当,别以为有了密码的保护就可以掉以轻心。保管好种子密码之余,钱包设备本身也应当好好保护不要随意让人触及。

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Cryptokami Kelta Lendo Blok NEOCash

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How to judge if a Steem user is popular?

We are constantly judging each other in our life, aware of it or not. In the world of Steem, what is the first thing you look at when you visit someone’s account? His reputation will tell us is he reputable, the SP in the wallet tell us is he a whale or minnow, the follower number will tell us if this guy is popular.

Wait, can we really judge popularity merely by the number of followers? Take a look at these popular accounts and think twice: @byresteem, @hotlist, and @hottopic just to name a few.


Do the 10k followers matter if 99.9% of them are dead account? You can too achieve this amazing army of fans by using a bot to follow 1000 plankton users every day and anyhow a few of them will follow you back. When you feel like accumulating enough of ‘fan base’, use a script to unfollow them all at once.

You must be so famous for having 23716 followers while just follow 15 people, aren’t you?

Post payout?

If you have 70 SBD, buying votes at 10 SBD each for consecutive 7 days post will average at least $20 payout per post. And that 70 SBD can loop almost forever. If you have 700 SBD to spare, we are talking about $200 average payout.

You are so well-known amongst the whales by making this kind of money!

Amount of comment?

If only you take comments like “Great post my friend!” “Please vote me.” “I like it. Please write more.” into account, then yes.

Votes of post?

You can get 1000 votes all you want but if they are all from plankton users with least or zero SP, our payout can be as good as $0.1. However there is another way to get huge votes through vote-selling platform like Smartsteem, but vote-buying isn’t the prove for a superstar.


Again, the bigger votes you get the more you got promoted in the Rep. And there are bunches of vote-selling bots.

So now you know how to promote post at the best value way

2 SBD for exposure in front of 22,000 audiences! I mean, why not?

如何判断一个用户是否“火爆/有名/受欢迎”?每当在 Steem 遇到陌生人,你会在他们的户口上首先注意什么来判断此人的影响力?

关注群众?有 10,000 个浮游生物关注,还多数已经是离世多时的,有个X用。
留言数量?如果把灌水的 spam 留言都算留言,那好吧。
点赞总数?通过 Smartsteem 这样的平台要多少赞都可以。

不懂你有没收到过来自@byresteem @hotlist @hottopic 的亲切问候,反正花 2 SBD 可以让帖子曝光在 22,000 的用户面前,这钱怎么算都值得花对吧!

Claim free coins from these Airdrops

ETU NAS CloudBounce Vyper Apollo
Cryptokami Kelta Lendo Blok NEOCash

This page is synchronized from the post: ‘How to judge if a Steem user is popular?’

Never lose your draft by strange editor problems anymore!

What editor is your favorite one when writing a new post?

I started to type a lot the day I joined Steem. And I never gave up finding the best editor for my need. Typora is awesome for using the “what you type is what you see” model. But it has a problem dealing with HTML.

I tried the mighty Evernote as well. Turns out it is very not friendly to even deal with plain text which may severely hinder the editing process of sensitive markdown and HTML language.

They sometimes crash and I lost my on-going notes

Steemit and Busy.org native editor does support auto-save as draft feature, I’ve encountered lost issue nonetheless. Either draft is not found after closing browser, or the whole post just went missing when the submission ending up with weird error. I’ve even lost notes in Evernote before.

Although these are just rare events, it was enough to yell my lungs out when shits like that happened.

I need a reliable editor

It must have the following characteristics:

  • Plain text and HTML friendly
  • Auto-save my notes
  • Cross platform so that I can access them via different devices

Notepad++ is the best candidate! It is the simplest form of editor yet the most powerful one amongst the minimalistic editor. It supports tons of languages to the extent that some old-school coder even uses it to program and debug. Definitely full mark for its plain text and programming language friendliness.

Now comes to the auto-save part. Set it up by Setting-Preference-Backup. Tick the Enable session snapshot and periodic backup and you can even set the backup interval.

Auto-save solved.

The simplest way to make your note available on all your devices is using the help of free cloud storage like Google Drive. First use Backup and Sync to mount Google Drive to local PC file system. After that, all you have to do is save the note file in the directory where has the link to Google Drive. Whatever created or modified under your Google Drive folder will be instantly synced to the cloud.

You may use other cloud services like Dropbox or Baiduyun provided you can mount them to computer file system.


Google drive + Notepad++ = simple and efficient solution for my note security. You may try this out if you are having the same problem of finding the best editor for Steem journey. Or share with us what is your secret combination?

加入 Steem 后码字出 post 就是每日必做的事情。然而找个令人省心的编辑器并没那么容易,试过 Evernote,Steem 和 Busy 的原生编辑器,Typora,都不尽人意。还不时试过文档消失的奇案。

Notepad++ 和 Google Drive 云端储存是我发现最好用的第三方编辑组合。Notepad++ 支持海量的语言,HTML 和纯文字档案更不在话下。通过 Google 的 Backup and Sync 将 Google Drive 连接到本地系统,就可以实现无缝把文档实时上传到云端中 ,而且任何设备都可以编辑文档了。(任何云端储存都可以,并非局限于 Drive,只要可以链接到本地档案上即可)



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ETU NAS CloudBounce Vyper Apollo
Cryptokami Kelta Lendo Blok NEOCash

This page is synchronized from the post: ‘Never lose your draft by strange editor problems anymore!’

You wished to buy more cheap Steem when it was $9, wish granted. 回到解放前

Woohooo, seems like I’m heading back where I’ve started in Steem when it was just about $1. As high as the Steem price once spiked to $9, most of us uttered in a bitter tone either verbally or on the inside:“I wish I bought more Steem back then!”

Well, the market hears you and presenting you the second chance to acquire more Steem.

Isn’t this like a dream come true?

Wishing to study more after you failed that subject, hoping you could go back to fix those mistakes so that girl can come back to your arms. But none of these really happens, time doesn’t go back. However, those wishes about “I wish I could buy more” that you made when the crypto market hit its ATH at 800B market cap few months back, are about to come true with the current downtrend. Be it Bitcoin, Steem, or any other coins to your preference, they are at the lowest point these few months.

You must be so excited for this extraordinary buying opportunities, don’t you?


NOPE. You are not, most of us don’t.

We are so well-programmed that we tend to be happy when our investment grow in value and despair when they decline. Even to a die-hard crypto believer like myself, although I knew this crash means everything about great opportunity to buy more, unconsciously deep in my mind I feel uneasy about the overall market situation.

Often I can’t help but panic a little every time I see the market total cap falls to week-low or month-low value. I have to constantly remind myself why am I so heavily invested in the crypto space, all those value and future I foreseen with the power of blockchain could bring to us all in the near future.

Now is the best time to test your faith

If you have sold away whatever crypto you had so much trust in it, I’m sorry to say that but you are not suitable investor in the cryptocurrencies. Please hold those money and invest them elsewhere, but chances are you still pour the fund back in here when crypto market start to revive. Which eventually will cause you to lose money as it will crash again at some point in the future, because you are going to panic sell again.

If you haven’t sold, great, maybe you are too lazy to care about what is happening in the market, or maybe you are just proved to be a strong HODLer as you vowed to be. Or even better that you plan to buy more, great. You came to this decision because you did a thorough research at the fundamental instead of blindly chasing the price chart.

How do you do in this bear market?

Steem 终于快掉到解放前了,目前价格为惨烈的 $1.64 。曾几何时冲上最高的 $9 的时候,多少人在心里喃喃自语:“早知道当初买多点 Steem 就好了。” 别否认了,我知道你有,我也有。


但是现在,当初抄底的心愿快要达成了,Steem 都跌成狗了,是不是走势图越往下走,你就越兴奋呢?



无论如何,这是个最好测试你信仰的最好时机。那些你曾经承诺义无反顾 HODL 到底的项目,现在都卖完了吗?


Claim free coins from these Airdrops

ETU NAS CloudBounce Vyper Apollo
Cryptokami Kelta Lendo Blok NEOCash

This page is synchronized from the post: ‘You wished to buy more cheap Steem when it was $9, wish granted. 回到解放前’

These crazy wave of airdrops reminds me something

Recently I bumped into the free coin space where you can get all kinds of new coins from fresh projects. I even wrote a post to promote some of them. All the airdrop coins that I’ve been referring requires zero investment and are pretty straight-forward.

There are tons and tons of new ICO coming up and use airdropping as the marketing strategy. So it is almost impossible to track all of them down wishing to participate into all airdrops. I just taking part in some of them just for the fun and you can never know what would happen to these coins in the future.

These crazy wave of airdrops reminds me something

As I mentioned in the previous post, almost all of the new projects that running airdrops are base on Ethereum. That being said, Ether(ETH) is already in huge demand as all the ERC20 tokens will need it to process transactions. To make this observation further base on the fact that ICO will only grow more in 2018, decentralized platform projects will grow along definitely.

Impossibility to predict which ICO will have the final success

While you will use all kind of benchmark like team background, execution ability or technologies to judge the possibility of which new projects will stand out eventually, it is not hard to admit that we still can’t be sure of what things will become in the future.

However, platforms that support the sea of ICO certainly have a brighter future.

Coins like Ethereum, NEO, Cardano, EOS and the similar will always be the hotbed of ICO at least for 2018. As the infrastructure getting more mature it is almost irresistible not to use the ready-made service to issue new coins and crowdfunding for new projects. By doing so the new coin can directly share the existing crowd of a particular decentralized platform while do not have to worry about technical troubles of the blockchain, they will have more time to deal with other issues.

Overall, hosting new coin on decentralized platform is a win-win situation for both sides as it creates a virtuous cycle.

Stumbled upon this wall art in the Cloud Forest Dome Singapore, reminding me very much of a crypto logo. Do you know which one?

最近铺天盖地的 ICO 着实令人吃惊,看来 2018 会是各种新 ICO 的爆发年。这也是我从最近各式各样的货币空投活动所发现的趋势,还有一个更重要的的走势就是,现在绝大多数的 ICO 都是建立在 ETH 平台上,所以 ETH 地址是参与空投活动的必备条件之一。

这也提醒了我,既然 ICO 几乎确定了是会继续红火下去的事实,那么为何不投资在好像 ETH 般提供孵化新货币的去中心化温床呢?类似的项目还有熟悉的 EOS,Cardano,NEO,等等。

在如海潮般的 ICO 里要挑出最后的赢家难度很可能真的象大海捞针一般,对我来说,投资在新项目们的孵化中心会是更明智的选择。


Claim free coins from these Airdrops

ETU NAS CloudBounce Vyper Apollo
Cryptokami Kelta Lendo Blok NEOCash

This page is synchronized from the post: ‘These crazy wave of airdrops reminds me something’

First DIY desktop PC building experience and I'm satisfied

Build my current PC rig more than half a year ago which was a huge upgrade from my precious performance laptop. Sold that laptop away for not using its portability at all as I almost never bring it around, the biggest reason is that gaming laptop is just too heavy and bulky for a comfortable travel. The laptop plus charger could add up to 6kg if I’m not wrong.

Here I present the new awesome PC that serves me damn well for half of the year. Although I convert the 6kg laptop combination to this desktop rig which could be as heavy as 25ky combining all the peripherals including the 12kg speaker, I never look back for a moment.

  • Monitor: Dell UltraSharp 27 QHD Monitor U2717D [SGD 739]
  • Speaker: HiVi M200MKIII 2.0 Hi-Fi speakers [RMB 1199/SGD 270]
  • Keyboard: DREVO Excalibur Tenkeyless 84Key Full Metal Mechanical Keyboard [USD 65.99/SGD 87]
  • Mouse: Razer Deathadder Chroma 2016

Except for the mouse, the rest were all newly bought for this rig. Had no complaint about every one of them. The QHD monitor just makes multitasking feel like a breeze, plenty of screen real estates to work with and not to mention the brilliant color presentation by Dell IPS panel. Highly recommended.

  • Case: Fractal Design Define Mini C with Window MicroATX Mid Tower Case
  • CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 1600 3.2GHz 6-Core Processor
  • Motherboard: ASRock AB350M Pro4 Micro ATX AM4 Motherboard
  • Secondary Storage: Seagate - Barracuda 2TB 3.5” 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive
  • Power Supply: EVGA SuperNOVA G3 650W 80+ Gold Certified Fully-Modular ATX Power Supply
    Total [SGD 840]

  • Memory: Corsair Vengeance LPX 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR4-3200 Memory [USD 134.99/SGD 178]

  • First Storage: Samsung 960 EVO 250GB M.2-2280 Solid State Drive [USD 127.99/SGD 169]

The CPU alone totally cost SGD 1187which is 187 more than my original budget of SGD 1000. If you are geek enough you might already the rig is missing a very important component. Yes, the true essence of a performance rig, the Graphic card! At the time of building this rig, GPU is too overpriced for the exploding crypto mining demand. And that overpricing trend continues till today, that’s why my PC is still running on a low-end GPU just for the sake of providing video output.

Total cost of CPU + peripheral equals to SGD 2283 as of now without GPU. Which could become a rig worth of SGD 3000 in the final form. Never expected I would build a 3k rig nor I could expect to have such privilege to own a desktop PC this expensive.

This is a note for my first rig building conclusion.


Claim free coins from these Airdrops

ETU NAS CloudBounce Vyper Apollo
Cryptokami Kelta Lendo Blok NEOCash

This page is synchronized from the post: ‘First DIY desktop PC building experience and I’’m satisfied’

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