Here is the list of projects running Airdrop, register while stock last! 大家来领糖果吧


Airdrop is a good way to accumulate some free coins for the public, yet a great advertising method for the projects. There is 5 new projects currently running the free candy spreading event, before you scroll down to them let’s make sure you have a few things ready:

  • Telegram account. This is a must have weapon to take part in almost all the airdrops or ICOs, they seems like using Telegram as one of their communication channels. Make sure you setup an username for tge Telegram account as well, you will need to fill that in very frequent.

  • ETH public address that you control the private key. So far all the airdrops I’ve been taking part asked for the ETH wallet. Not sure if they are all ERC20 tokens since I never read through each of them, at least I can tell that ETH is at greater demand for the ICO now.

  • Some of the airdrops will need you to provide E-mail address, or perform some social linking like following their Tweeter and Facebook account.

Each airdrop have slightly different approach in validating the participant, but with the above-mentioned accounts ready, the signup process should not take longer than 2 minutes for each.

Below are the 5 active airdrops on first come first serve basis, register ASAP:

VERIME ETU CloudBounce Vyper Cryptokami Kelta
Echarge Blok


  • Telegram 账户 - 几乎所有我见过的空投和 ICO 都会用 Telegram 进行沟通和验证用户的管道。记得设定一个特有用户名,你会时常用到它的。
  • ETH 地址 - 虽然没详细研究过,不过我默认他们都是 ERC20 Tokens,也是几乎每个空投项目都会要求你提供。这是不是也意味着 ETH 存在着强大的需求量呢?
  • 其他麻烦些的还会要求提供电邮箱,Facebook Tweeter 的追随等。


ETU NAS CloudBounce Vyper Apollo
Cryptokami Kelta Lendo Blok NEOCash

This page is synchronized from the post: ‘Here is the list of projects running Airdrop, register while stock last! 大家来领糖果吧’

How to make your Kindle ad-free, for free!

I have a Kindle Paperwhite for about 2 years. Bought it from Amazon during Amazon Day where they would normally provide a huge discount on this flagship product. Mine was deducted from $119 to $89, with special offer.

Whats is special offer?

It is a way that Amazon try their best to beautify ‘Advertisement’. So yeah, with special offer is a Kindle come with advertisement built-in with a lower price. If you hate to be greeted with a page of ads every time unlocking your Kindle, buy one without special offer. And the price difference could be obvious.

Pay extra $20 premium and you get a permanently ad-free Kindle. But does it worth the premoum? If you are intended to use it with flip cover protection case, ad-free is a must have option I would say.

What if you can make Kindle ad-free without the hefty premium?

Here is how I did it. I bought a Kindle ‘with special offer’ straight from Amazon US and had it shipped to Singapore. And let’s do the trick:

  • First you will have to get you Amazon account ready, the same account will be used for Kindle login as well. Make sure you insert a foreign country address in it.

  • Login Kindle with the same account. Inside the account page you will see a new Kindle is added in the device list.

  • Open up Amazon customer live chat support.

  • Now you get a support officer online, let’s cast the magic: Tell him you are not located in US and the ‘special offer’ of Kindle is useless to you, ask if he could remove it for free. They will then verify your location and gladly take away the advertisement from their end. It took less than 2 minutes for me to end the chat with success.

  • Say thank you and enjoy your ad-free Kindle!

So the trick is mainly base on the kindness of Amazon customer service with top notch flexibility. Mine was becoming ad-free 2 years ago and there is no sign of any ads coming back.

This trick should works on all kind of Kindle but not limited to Paperwhite series only. If you are planning to get one, get the advertisement version and try this trick, you can always upgrade to ad-free by paying the $20 premium just in case it won’t works. If you already have one and tired with the annoying first page ads, you are ready to get it off for free.

Share with me if the trick works for you.

Kindle 有两个版本,就是有广告和没有的。两者价格上的差别是 $20,对基础价格大约 $119 来说,其实是挺贵的。但是对有广告过敏症的人来说,有一个无广告的清新版 Kindle 是人生一大快事。


首先你要有一个广告版的 Kindle,然后身在外国。用同样的 Amazon 户口登录设备,户口里登记的地址必须是外国。然后就上 Amazon US 客服的在线服务,跟他们说: “我人在国外,美国的广告对我无用,我也无法从这里消费,可以帮我移除吗?”他们核实你的地址后就会免费并永久的把广告从你的设备清除。

所以,那些想入手 Kindle 的请买广告版,那些有广告版 Kindle 的先别谢我,赶紧去试试吧。

Claim free coins from these Airdrops

VERIME ETU CloudBounce Vyper Cryptokami Kelta
Echarge Blok

This page is synchronized from the post: ‘How to make your Kindle ad-free, for free!’

Welcome to the era of bots 欢迎来到机器人盛世


Although this is not particularly precise to describe how curation is working right now on Steem. but I believe it was largely how things should work when Steem was just an idea in the head of @ned and @dan. Ya I know, the reality is whales tend to befriend with other whales, minnows chasing whales and dolphins like there is no tomorrow.

Well, things are little bit escalated for a while.


This is how the curation works now, in most situations.

Don’t believe me? Or wanted to buy some votes but have no idea where to find them? Easy, go to any trending tag and open any popular posts, then take a look at their vote list.


There you go, you’re welcome.*Gwb0y5RD8bUyUFq_tVhvFg.png



Individuals earn real rewards online that are directly correlated to their contributions.

All we need to do is ascertain which user contributions bring a social network value and which ones don’t

They are snapshots from the Steem Whitepaper. No, you don’t earn everything solely base on your contribution’s quality. Because SP delegation and vote-selling are so profitable that all the SP is going to the bots.

Don’t get me wrong I’m not anti voting bots in any sense. In fact, I’m a huge fan of Smartsteem because I know it is an effective way to advertise my content.

Actually I’m quite optimistic and this is too interesting to see how a revolutionary free market like Steem evolving.

Welcome to the era of bots

我想 Steem 现在的机器人盛世是创办人当初所预想不到的吧?从前是大鱼海豚小鱼之间互相点赞(好啦我知道大鱼只跟大鱼玩啦),到现在是大家都把 SP 出租给机器人,作者们想要赞就只好去跟机器人买啦。

不信我?还是想买赞却不知去哪里可以找到机器人?简单,去随便一个热门 Tag 下点开人任意一篇文章,看看点赞的名单,通常靠前几个就是卖赞的机器人们。

别误会,我并没有丝毫反对还是贬低机器人的意思。相反,我本身就是Smartsteem 的忠实用户,因为我知道这是个直接有力的推广内容方式。

至今我对 Steem 还是很乐观的,毕竟可以看到这样的划时代自由市场一直随着时间演化也是一大趣事。


Claim free coins from these Airdrops

VERIME ETU CloudBounce Vyper Cryptokami Kelta
Echarge Blok

This page is synchronized from the post: ‘Welcome to the era of bots 欢迎来到机器人盛世’

Minnowbooster and Smartsteem, which one to go for vote-selling?


For those who want to take full advantage of Steem power (SP) without participating in the Steem blockchain at all, there are bots which can help in two ways: SP delegation and Vote-selling.

I’ve compared the the SP delegation profitability to @minnowbooster and @smartsteem in the previous post. Considering SP delegation is not for everyone, vote-selling is another popular option for the divers in Steem. Let’s take a look at the comparison of the two giants on Vote-selling service, shall we?

Vote-selling in Minnowbooster

First of all, the payout. You get 85% of all the sold votes they cast for you. Plus curation rewards which are coming from the posts payout which is totally unpredictable as the bot can cast votes for all the vote buyers.

Minnowbooster does have a referral link for new member recruitment which I did not expect at first. However, I failed to locate any detail on how they handle the referral bonus to referrers. Is the referrer credited if the recruited filled a lease order, vote-selling or bot delegation? I tried a several searches on Google and Steemit, including a thorough scan at their FAQ page, all to no avail.

Please enlighten me if you know any information on this.


Vote-selling in Smartsteem

Vote seller receives 85% of the profit which is same as Minnowbooster. However, Smartsteem provides a really convenient Revenue Calculator which allows users to get a rough idea how much they are going to make. ‘

While you still get to receive the additional Curation reward that incurred during vote-selling process, technically it is impossible to predict how much you are going to make out of this extra bonus.

With the exclusive SmartScore Stars system, I would say one is likely to score more handsome rewards with Smartsteem.

Under user Settings you will find this section of Vote User Selection where you can decide who you will sell your vote to. With SmartScore Stars selected, your vote will only cast to the whitelisted users which you can review in this list. All the whitelisted user is hand-picked by the team and I have picked several users for quality check, almost all of them are quality content creators I would say or you can kindly check the whitelist out yourselves. The team did not reveal their star rating standard but they did a fair job on it nonetheless.

We know the first rule of Steem, good content usually get rewarded more.

So I think it is safe to say that vote-sellers can get higher Curation reward via Smartsteem provided they sell votes to the SmartScore Stars users.

Unlike Minnowbooster, Smartsteem makes everything clear on the referrals bonus that referrers will receive 0.5% profit of every sold vote by the referrals. And I’m receiving referral bonus from my recruitment.

However I cannot tell which service is more superior in this aspect unless Minnowbooster makes a clear declaration like Smartsteem did. Nor did I ever referred anyone to Minnowbooster.

Note: One can only receive referral bonus by vote-selling in Smartsteem. @therealwolf should start to consider taking SP delegation into account.



  • Both services provide 85% profit for vote-selling.

  • Curation rewards are unpredictable but Smartsteem tends to be the winner with their killer SmartScore Stars system.

  • Both services carry referral system while Minnowbooster remains totally unclear and Smartsteem provides a solid 0.5% profit.

Minnowbooster seems like doesn’t care much about vote-selling service as their main focus is in the well-known SP Lease Market. At the same time, Smartsteem treats vote-selling as the core business that they build some complimentary stuff like Whitelist and Vote Selection around it.

Smartsteem is much more preferable in vote-selling selection.

Please use my referral link to sign up Smartsteem if you found this article useful:

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Best trading strategy for HODLers!

I did a reflection on my trading strategy in altcoin trading which could totally hinder the trading activity when the overall market is bearish. Yes, which is the market we currently at, a big bear crypto market.

I was constantly searching for a better, reliable strategy on trading. As I do not wish to put too much of time and effort on following every single coin’s movement in the rapid market, putting my trust to trading channel who can do the job much better than me was a great idea. While their trading signals could be useful base on accurate news, the fact is no one could ever predict how the market is going to behave.

Here I present you the next strategy I’m going to apply next, Portfolio Rebalancing

I knew this technique for quite a while the first day I trading in stock market, most of the investment geeks out there would know too. But I have never take a serious look at it, I was aiming to find some projects that could offer 100X return which of course never happened to me yet.

For those who has no idea about portfolio rebalancing, this is how it works:

Investor setup a portfolio with several assets which he would set certain ratio each asset should contain in the portfolio, total ratio adds up to 100%. Let’s say Bob assign 6 assets to his portfolio with 16.67% each. He would take a look at it at the end of every month, and those assets would have performed differently. Like the diagram below.

Image source

Some performed well that went up to 20% and some dropped to 10% in the ratio. What Bob needs to do is just rebalance the whole portfolio by sell way the excessive portion of the well-performed asset and fill in the underperformed one. The portfolio is now rebalanced, until they are out of ratio again.

I was actually inspired by this article. It even demonstrates how useful this technique is by the following real-life calculation:

>In order to demonstrate the potential advantage over holding coins, we performed a simulation with real market data over a 1-year period. This period started on December 1st 2016 and ended on December 1st 2017. With an initial investment of $5,000, we allocated an equal amount into Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, Dash, and Litecoin ($1,000 in each). At the end of the one-year period, a person who had bought and held each currency would have $223,596.05. On the other hand, a person who had rebalanced over the same period, would have $353,000.87. This means rebalancing performed 58% better over buy and hold after 1 year.

You might argue that one does not simply predict the future base on history. But in this case it is really convincing to me and attractive enough to start practicing it. You can use their Shrimpy rebalancing bot for auto rebalance execution which is now limited on Bittrex and Poloniex only, or you can build a spreadsheet profile and execute rebalancing manually. If you have some programming skill, you can even build your own bot.

## Advantages vs Disadvantages

Based on my analysis, portfolio rebalancing has it’s good and bad as well. Nothing is suitable for everyone right?

#### The good:

- Totally get rid of the biggest of trading: emotion. We all have been the victim of FOMO and FUD. By rebalancing you care no about news or TA, making everything back in designated ratio is all needed to do.

- Especially suitable for Hodler. If your belief is Hold until they are at the Moon, this technique could make hugely improve your final return.

- No news tracking, no line drawing on the charts and listen to no BS by those experts. Now you can save tons of time and get a life.

#### The bad:

- For greater rebalancing convinience, all the involved coins need to put on exchange’s hand. And you don’t technically own whatever coins in the exchange.

- All the assets in the portfolio must be performing well in the long run. Or else you will be pouring more and more winning money into the weak coins over times.

- You are not getting 100X or 1000X return by rebalancing.

This is not a financial advice. You are at your own risk.

继上次的投资策略反思后 ,发现根据信号进行买卖不会有太好的效果。主要是尽管根据新闻的信号还算可靠,但事实是没有人可以真正预测市场将会往哪个方向走。现在这个忽如其来的币圈大熊市就是很好的例子。

接下来会尝试投資組合再平衡(Portfolio Rebalancing)。相信这个投资策略对很多投资老手来说不会新鲜。对没听过的人还是要介绍下:


这样做的获利原理就是将表现好的货币买了,来买进表现不好的。投資組合再平衡很无情的使投资者严格的执行了“买高卖低”这个赚钱的万年不变真理。请留意“无情”一词,这个策略完全摒弃了投资者最为危险的情绪,从而降低了犯错的几率。有频繁在市场交易过的人都受过 FUD 和 FOMO 不少大亏。



  • 这不会让你一夜之间有百倍的回报,投资冷门币却有可能。
  • 需要把组合里的币都放在交易所里。
  • 所选定的币种必须长期下来都是有好的发展,不然等于慢慢的把赚回来的钱丢进亏钱的无底洞,所以必须选稳定的大币作为组合基调。

This page is synchronized from the post: ‘Best trading strategy for HODLers!’

Drawing challenge - Spring 春兆 | 齐白石杯 月旦评


I’ve spent 2.5 hours on this artwork. The tools involved were Copic markers on Copic sketchbook that was specially designed for marker paint.

This is also an entry for @angelina6688 ‘s drawing competition with the theme ‘Spring‘.

Finally, I got the chance to put my new 36 color Copic markers into real use. I had struggles in applying these advanced markers to achieve what I used to achieve with other tools. But after all, I would say it was totally worth the learning curve. I’m convinced that Copic is the top marker maker in the world and they are second to none. They are so expensive for a reason(380 yen for a single marker!). Now I can sell away the ordinary market set that I bought from China a few months back without worry.

As for the subject, I chose a flower that blossoms in the snow at the end of winter. Snow and flower make a strong contrast for winter and spring, I think it is the best sign of spring arrival.

此作品花了两个半小时来完成,用的是久违的 36 色 Copic 马克笔在也是 Copic 出版的马克笔画本上作画。出乎意料的花了比预期还多的时间来完成,主要是第一次使用具有颜色性的马克笔,许多混合调色的技巧都还很陌生,尤其是雪的效果就琢磨了好久。

这同时也是用于参加由 @angelina6688 所举办的“春”绘画比赛










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