What happen if a shortcut was blocked? 另辟蹊径的小故事 | 月旦评


Above was a part of a route that I will get through every morning to get to office. In fact, it was meant to be a dead end shielded by a plant wall as you can see, it is a sort of a corner garbage collection point. However this corner falls on the straight route between a bus stop and many offices. And yes, this is not the only way for the workers to get attend their work but this is the fastest route.

The red circle has somehow become a ‘breakthrough’ and this was the shortcut for most of the workers including me. After a couple of months, maybe the traffic has annoyed the operators at garbage center, or this shortcut is not supposed to be allowed, someone blocked it with a pile of obstacles. Will the people now make a detour just because the shortcut was blocked?

No, they make a new shortcut.

The green circle spot was a thinner spot for the plant wall, the cost of passing through that spot is every part of your body will be scratched by the branches and leaves. Uncomfortable experience, but the trespassers also breaking some little branches and leaves at the same time. The thin spot becomes thinner. As more people passing by the gap-to-be weak spot(including me), we have a brand new shortcut within a few weeks.

People are not only lazy to take a further tour, they make a new door for their greater good when the authority closed the other.

This reminds me very much of cryptocurrency resistance by the weak-minded government in closing down exchanges or bank accounts that has something to do with this illegal currency. They close down the path of people cashing out their crypto into fiat, in the hope of deterring people from joining the activity of crypto. Does that make us get rid of crypto?

No, we make a new way out.

We can start trading peer to peer instead of relying on the centralized exchanges. Agent or black market appear just to fill the blank of this demanding market. Or even better, some of us choose to stay in crypto which will eventually speed up the growth of this ground-breaking technology.

If someone blocks the way between you and what you are believing in, the only thing you should do is make your own path to it.









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Don't delegate all your SP away

From the post Best revenue of SP delegation, Minnowbooster or Smartsteem?, we’ve come to a conclusion that @smartsteem is a more competent platform for SP delegation.

I have a friend @seandeanayao who has invested a little in SP but he was too busy to be constantly active to make full use of his power. Dit not want his SP laying wasted in the account, I recommended him to delegate all his SP to @smartsteem. As he is not very familiar with all the hustle, I was the one who executed the delegation on his behalf.

I made a mistake by delegating ALL of his SP away

While he will be active in socializing with others on Steem, he does consistently making new post here. And this is what happened to him just now.

He completely ran out of bandwidth and could not post anything at all. While I delegated 256 SP out of his 257 SP, the effective 1.04 SP only grant him a couple kb of bandwidth, which of course will run out in no time.

I have to be honest that I never expect such thing would be happening. As I joined the platform with some SP invested already. My bad anyway.


  • Do not delegate all of your SP unless you do not want to participate in the blockchain at all(commenting or posting).

  • You don’t get back all the SP after undelegation immediately, it will take 7 days to cooldown in order to precent system abuse.

  • The best way to increase bandwidth? Buy some Steem and power it up, instant solution.

Please use my referral link to sign up Smartsteem if you found this article useful: https://smartsteem.com?r=fr3eze

之前分享过 @smartsteem 在出租 SP 的收益上是鹤立鸡群的。我有个朋友 @seandeanayao 投资了一点 SP 但是由于太忙碌没能好好利用,所以我就建议他出租所有 SP 给 Smartsteem。这里犯了一个错误,那就是我真的帮他把所有 SP 都出租了。

然后当他偶尔想 post 东西时,就悲剧了。因为SP剧减宽带一下子就用完了,post 不到东西了。我还真的不曾考虑过这件事因为自己不曾遇过,当初参加时就已经买了好些 Steem 进来。


  • 千万不要把所有 SP 租出去,除非你完全不想在这里活动。
  • 遇到这样的情况也不要急着把 SP 收回来,因为那需要七天的冷却时间。
  • 最好的方法就是再加码买点 Steem,power up 了就立马可以post 啦!

如果想注册 Smartsteem 来出租 SP, 可以通过我的链接注册:

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My friend tried to lure me with passive income from centralized MLM scheme when I'm having the superior Steem

I’ve got a friend who is really religious to an MLM(Multi level Marketing) company. He just finished a 22 months Work-and-Travel plan from Australia back to Malaysia. He has been working on the same MLM scheme for 10 plus years after high school graduation. Our peers always have a hard time understanding how he could still be that enthusiastic about his MLM career, despite achieving nothing prominent at all.

So he wrote a long message(essay) and Whatsapp to each of our friends explaining his enthusiasm and maybe hoping to attract us to join his MLM dream. I’ve summarized a couple of important points our of this long-ass post for you:


I’m going through something that you never experienced before, the passive income. Credit to my company, based on the past contribution they are sending me my monthly payout of RM600($170) for last 22 months when I wasn’t working for them at all.

First of all, I’m experiencing some of the best passive income in the world now where I’m making a $400 passive income out of $2300 investment. That was an one-time effort and I do not need to approach all the friends and strangers to hard sell the products from MLM company. I break no sweat and I burn no network, as you might aware, people are not very fond of MLM scheme.


If I’m working for the other companies, I would be long delisted from their employee list for being away for straight 22 months. But this company is awesome! They not only keeping their promise but pay me accordingly with justice!

Oh, if investing in Steem considering working for this blockchain, I would still be in the game 1000 year after I’m long dead. No one is kicking me out, no one can decide whether I’m still useful for the company. No matter how innovative an MLM company is, they are still centralized. And no matter how stable and trust-worthy the company is, there is still a possibility that you are kicked from the game by a mere sudden decision by a management member. Think this way, how secure can a company be if a country could go bankrupt?

This is a direct comparison between decentralization and centralization application. I tried to explain what risk he is taking but to no avail. He could not even grab the idea of centralization. Of course I might be in the bigger risk considering Steem is just another social experiment in the sea of blockchain project, but at least I acknowledged that risk.

There will be no consensus between us while we trying to convince each other with a completely different opinion. Coincidentally, I wrote a post on this exact topic one month ago, Steem is better than MLM. Shared it with him after the discussion, let’s hope he will enjoy the read.

我有个对传销系统很狂热的友人,最近刚从澳洲 22 个月的旅游工作计划回来大马。面对我们这班朋友长久以来的困惑和不理解,他特意写了一大篇信息(作文)来解释为何他对他的传销公司如此有信心,重点摘要如下:


我所经历你未遇见的不在职收入,在我离开大马完全无法工作的的 22 个月里,XX 公司坚守承诺的基于我以往的业绩,提供给我每月马币600令吉的收入。

不好意思,我已经遇见了不在职收入,而且要比你的好上很多。上一篇《I’m making a $400 passive income out of $2300 investment》就足以说明一切。


要是在别的传统公司,不工作 22 个月我早就除名了。XX公司却不一样,依然定时给予我所应得的分红,XX公司值得信赖!

这就更好笑了,你所谓的信赖完全建立在中心化的组织手中。不管目前如何稳定,总归有被开除的可能性。这样想吧,当一个国家都可以破产时,何况区区一个公司?Steem 这类的区块链项目就不同了,即使在我死后的一千年后我依然还在此局中。除了我自己,没人能决定我的去留。单是这点就高下立判。


This page is synchronized from the post: ‘My friend tried to lure me with passive income from centralized MLM scheme when I’’m having the superior Steem’

I'm making a $400 passive income out of $2300 investment

Disclaimer: This is not a clickbait

Half a year ago when I first boarding the on the Stem blockchain, I did not only dedicated most of my free time creating content on this amazing platform. But I also bought some Steem with around $2300 at the price of $1 by that time. Adding up all the SP and SBD I earned through the last 228 days by almost writing every day, my total SP is now at 3596.024.

This is of course just a negligible amount in the sea of Steem full of dolphins and whales. I used to think about it that way until I decided to look at how much I could earn if delegating all those SP away to some solid platforms like Smartsteem / @smartsteem.

Revenue Calculation

Without much troubles, Smartsteem provided a handy Revenue Calculation feature on their front page.

So I can roughly get a payout of 114 SBD every month with all my SP delegated to the platform. Math time again. Using current rate 1 SBD = $3.5, 114*3.5 = $400.

I could earn 400 USD every month while literally doing nothing at all now.

Let’s take it further

Back to my hometown in Melaka, fresh graduates starting pay is averaging about RM2000 per month. Not a really decent wages, but many of them just managed to survive anyhow.

While 400 USD equals to RM1558, I almost earn as much as those freshmen passively!

It is such a complicated mood while feeling sorry for the low pay that my fellow homie is making, easy revenue like this blew my mind away at the same time. Knowing the fact that we can actually cash out Steem or SDB make the whole thing even more real. I could really choose to resign my full-time job in Singapore and become half-retired in my hometown if I wanted.

Of course, I’m not retiring just for a $400 passive income

Nor I will delegate all SP away anytime soon as being totally powerless makes me feels like standing naked on the street. It is truly impressive to know that the initial investment of a $2300 and dedication in content creating could lead me to a pseudo-financial-freedom like this.

OK, I really have to stop thinking about how those whales could really live like a king, before the envious flame burn me down completely, haha!

Use my referral link to sign up Smartsteem if you found this article useful:

经过两百多天的努力和当初一笔价值 2300 美金的投资,我的有效 SP 终于来到 3596.024。这对各为大鱼面前来说简直不值一哂,我很多时候都是这样想的,那何不换个方法让自己开心点?

要是把这份 SP 完全租出去给类似 Smartsteem 的平台,会得到多少收入?答案是每个月约 114 SBD,换算成美金即是 $400。


拿我家乡马六甲来说,刚毕业出来的大学生们平均工资应该介于 2000 马币之间(很少,我懂)。而 $400 换成马币就是 RM1558,几乎都快赶上了他们的月收入。要知道,这可是什么都不用做的状态下的被动收入哦。

当然我是不打算完全把 SP 租出去的,那会让我感觉好像赤裸裸站在街上一般难受。但是换个角度一想,当初 $2300 的投资和大半年坚持写作的努力,居然隐约有可能让我回老乡进入半退休状态,还真的是不可思议。

如果你觉得这篇文章对你有帮助,请使用我的链接注册 Smartsteem:https://smartsteem.com?r=fr3eze

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Reflection of my trading strategy that is not working really well

I used to follow some Telegram crypto channels that providing trading signals about what to buy what to sell, those signals are mainly focused in altcoins with the goal of gaining more value against BTC. They are mainly based on two things, technical analysis(TA) and news.

Image source

TA is what I believe the least if not at all

Cryptocurrencies(aka Blockchain) is something that is going to change our world forever like the Internet. The world had no idea the Internet can achieve what it has achieved today, no way for the mass to predict the future of a disruptive technology in the infant stage. The same conclusion applies on the cryptocurrencies. If you used the same old technique that used to analyze traditional market like stock and precious metal, in analyzing a market that never exists before, it just doesn’t make sense. However, if you really need to learn how to do some awesome TA on crypto, this is the only guide you need to read presented by @kevinwong.

Trading the news is making more sense

Buy the rumor, sell the news is really an effective tactic only if you are active and sensitive enough to sniff all the slight movement of a straw in the wind. But that is going to take a heavy toll on your time if you follow more than 5 projects. And you might get caught in the fake news by the pump-and-dump folks, ended up executing wrong moves and lose money.

Furthermore, trading altcoins short or medium term base on abovementioned tactics has a really huge disadvantage. That is when the whole market crash, which usually lead by the Bitcoin, altcoins drops 10~20% more than BTC. After the recession, market will always enter bullish movement(if you are wondering this is how the economy works, not TA) which usually will be leading by BTC, again. And the already in-red altcoins will be bleeding even more against BTC. This is a losing war without ending, unless you are changing them to long-term holding.

This is not an empty sentiment but I’m speaking from experience.

In fact, my altcoins portfolio is still at -50% loss from the last 800B-to-400B crash which was about 2 months ago. If my initial investment was 1 BTC, selling all those altcoins that I bought according to the trading signals would leave me not more than 0.5 BTC.

This is why I stop the active trading at all as I don’t want to sell at loss. And this is what making me reflects on this investment strategy that would be useful in the bullish market, but locking me up upon the bear arrival. After all, making them as my long-term holding coins probably is one of the best plans available now.

There are more ways to force you into the loop of mistakes and I’m not going to list them all, after all it would take me at least 10 posts to finish that list. Just have to take my time for a reflection in low tide as of now. Trading signals are not really effective in growing wealth all the while, I shall keep experiment and tweaking the strategies.

Stay tuned.

不交易货币好久,这段时间也该好好反省之前所执行的炒币策略。前一阵子我根据 Telegram altcoin trading channel 给出的信号不断炒币,在那阵子的牛市中的确有所斩获。然而在现在的熊市就不行了。那些信号主要有两种根据,technical analysis (TA) 和新闻。

用 TA 这种旧技术来分析前所未见的加密货币市场这件事,对我而言是相当可笑的,所以从来也不屑一顾。基于新闻的信号就比较有看头了,很明显的所有货币都被各种好坏消息显著的影响着。如果你有本事捕捉各种最新消息,那么很大可能是可以获利的,只是代价就是要付出大量时间精力。


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Retro gaming on PC

Not long ago I sold away my laptop and set up a long-wanted performance PC without only one part, the Graphic card. The main reason is that GPU has been overpriced due to the mining freak for crypto starting 2017.

And to be honest, I was too distracted by many things like blogging on Steem that I left behind the original attempt to build a PC for gaming. This is why I never invested a dedicated GPU for the new PC yet. One day, I feel like have some gaming session over the weekend and I just realized that there are many choices for games other than graphics demanding games like GTA 5. The great example is Nintendo classic console gaming which some regard as pixel games.

I am a pure 90’s baby who spent a really joyful childhood on the classic Nintendo TV games. Thanks for all the console gaming enthusiast, many of the console games already ported to PC Windows platform and you can find plenty of guides on Internet about how to set up one.

This is how I got it working


First you got to have at least one gaming controller for the Nintendo gaming, I bought a pair because I can have some 2 players with friends. Got a pair of a really simple, classic design controller from Taobao for only less than RMB 50.

Image source

Then you will need a retro game emulator on the Windows, I recommend the All-in-one RetroArch. You can play all kind of games including but not limited to Nintendo, Super Nintendo, Genesis, and others. However the only downside is that the configuration will be not so straightforward. Following awesome guides from Howtogeek and Lifehacker is all you need to do.

Finally you will need the games! The Eye is the single most powerful site you ever need, at least that is true for me as I found all NES games there. As of right now, The Eye hosts 20515GB of data. I really doubt that you will have a hard time missing any retro games on it. Clean site, full of content and without ads, you can’t miss this great site for games hunting for sure.

Let’s start some good retro gaming!

Now you should be set to have some good time enjoying good old days gaming. What is your favorite one?


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作为一个 90 后,童年娱乐很大的一部分是由当年的卡带任天堂 Nintendo 所组成。长大了,当年的卡带机早已不知所踪,重温旧梦的时候怎么办?不怕,我们还有万能的 PC。要是你也有个运行 Windows 的电脑 ,那就撸起袖子一起干吧!


  • 游戏手柄,除非你愿意用键盘玩游戏吧,但是那就没有什么怀旧 feeling 了啊。我花不到 50 人民币从淘宝 买了最便宜的一对手柄,方便二人游戏。
  • 接下来你需要模拟器,不同的厂家系统有不同的模拟系统,就好象 Playstation 的游戏不能在 NES 上运行。RetroArch 是兼容了所有模拟器的强大神器,唯一的缺点就是设置有点复杂,只要跟着 HowtogeekLifehacker 这两篇教程做就可以了。
  • 万事俱备,还差些什么?游戏!在 The Eye 上你可以找到各类怀旧游戏。是我使用过最好用的网站,广泛的内容还有干净没有广告,寻找怀旧游戏绝对不可错过。


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