Envelope from the Czech Republic 来自捷克的大信封


Just received an envelope from DHL, guess what it is?

今晚收到了来自 DHL 的大信封,猜猜是什么?


Trezor multipack!

I’ve recommended the Black Friday Sale by Trezor 2 days ago and placed an order immediately. Although I own a Trezor already, I can definitely take advantage of this great deal to either recommend it to my friends or resell it publicly with a marked up price.

This is the first time for me to use the DHL WPX international shipping service too. It cost EUR 26 and only 3 days from the Czech Republic where SatoshiLabs located, all the way to Singapore. Fast enough!

What have you looted in this shopping festival?

就是 Trezor 三合一装!

两天前我介绍了 Trezor 的黑色星期五大优惠,虽然自己有一个了,还是买了一包。这么优惠的价格,我大可以用成本价转让给朋友,或是抬高向外公开转售。这也是我第一次使用 DHL WPX 国际邮寄服务,价格是 26 英镑并且花了仅仅三天就把货物从遥远的捷克送来新加坡,不可谓不快!


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Drawitbetter Contest #4 Tree 树

I’ve spent 3 hours on this artwork using charcoal and ink pen on the black book.

This is an entry for tree drawing challenge hosted by @sirsensei.

这幅作品花了三个小时来完成,用的主要是白色铅笔和白色墨笔于黑色绘画本之上。这同时也是由 @sirsensei 所举办的绘画比赛的参赛作品。

Drawing Breakdown

Base color of the leafs.


Adding detail


Use black pen to emphasize the trunks and brunches.


I realized I made a mistake for making the darker side too bright. So a white ink pen was used on the right bright side to make the light spot more outstanding.


Add details in the darker side.


Highlight the inclined slope and we are done here.


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Trezor and Nano S Black Friday Deal! 钱包大促销

Trezor 3for2 deal

We all know hardware wallet provides the highest level of security for our cryptocurrency investment, but the price can be steep for some people.

Trezor offers Black Friday Special Deal today which you can pay for two and get three. Normal pricing for this multipack was €267, you can now get it with just €178 excluding shipping fee.

The supply claims to be Limited availability. Offer valid while supplies last. Put your order quick if you don’t want to miss this great deal.

Trezor support multiple coins including Bitcoin, Litecoin, Dash, ZCash and ERC-20 tokens, visit this official document for more.

Ledger Nano S with 21% off


Ledger Nano S has been famous for its design and friendly price tag, you can now get a further 21% off for all the Nano S orders, gone from €59.00 to €45.82.

Shipping fee depends on where you live, bulk order can make the cost much lower.This offer lasts from 24th to 27th November so you have a whole weekend to gather your orders.

Supports various coins like Ark, Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Dash, Dogecoin, Ethereum, Ethereum Classic, Expanse, and more.

I personally own the Trezor and the overall experience has been awesome, solid design, nice UI, great team and great support. It let me have the peace of mind during those hardfork moments while the team will provide service to claim those forked coins.

Both are solid choices for personal crypto wallet, you just can’t go wrong. If you haven’t owned one already, this is the time.

有投资加密货币的朋友们一定不会对 Trezor 和 Ledger 这两间硬体钱包公司陌生。如今他们在今天分别推出黑色星期五大优惠:

Trezor 买二送一:https://shop.trezor.io/?h=7472657a6f722e696f

Ledger Nano S 折扣 21%: https://www.ledgerwallet.com/products/ledger-nano-s
促销从 24 到 27 号

Tips: 大量购买可以减轻邮费

我个人持有 Trezor,这是我进入币圈以来最正确的投资。干净的界面,友善的操作,一流的技术团队。把货币都放在里面,当你看着世间各种各样密码被盗被黑的新闻时,硬体钱包给你的安全感就是物超所值了!


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When the self-curse comes true 诅咒成真

We will have a basketball session after work every Wednesday nearby the office. Thanks to the loose dress code and my slightly tight nice-looking Nike PG 1, I would spend my day in the office with a pair of slipper.

Today the boss happened to notice this and asked why I’m not wearing a proper shoe, “Oh, got injured” I just have to come out with something.

Broke my ankle that night.

每个星期三下班后,都会在公司附近来个两个小时的激情篮球环节。由于公司的穿着要求非常宽松,又不想长时间穿着买的稍微小号的 PG 1,我通常选择只穿着拖鞋在公司办公。



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Neo is giving better interest than banks

Picture from the team 3 days ago.

Recently NEO and GAS has been rocking up these few days due to the NEO council guy spreading the news that the team is going to make big things happen on 20 Nov, and the rumor was about China might unban ICO under the condition only NEO is used as a smart platform to raise fund.

Price will definitely skyrocket if this is happening. So far there is no solid news being announced, and the price has been cooled down to $36 as of now since the recent peak $46.

My NEO wallet profile

If you don’t already know, holding NEO in your private wallet can claim free GAS as well. This NeoToGas tool can be used to calculate how much GAS you will get given the holding amount of NEO.

Base on this tool, my holding of 16 NEO can earn 0.0074 GAS per day, or 0.2286 GAS per month, theoretically. The dividend was calculated base on current price of NEO and GAS, where

Anualised return = ([Total GAS claim per year]*[Current price of GAS])/([Total NEO]*[Current price of NEO])


Using current rate, 1 NEO can earn approximately 7% of actual dividend per year, which already on par with the average return of Dow Jones Industrial Average stock market. Don’t forget NEO itself still have a huge room of appreciation to go.

三天前 NEO 团队放消息出来说会搞事情,导致价格大涨。谣言说中国政府会重新开放 ICO,前提是只可以使用 NEO 的智能平台。如果成真,恐怕价格会一飞冲天,但现在看来还没听到什么真实的新闻。

或许有很多人不知道持有 NEO 在私有钱包可以定时领取免费的 GAS 币。利用 NeoToGas 这个工具可以查出目前 NEO 能换取多少 GAS。以我的 16 个 NEO 来说,实际一年可以得到约 1.98 个 GAS。就目前的价格来说,能有足以和传统股票市场媲美的 7% 年化回酬率。而且别忘了 NEO 的价格本身也还有很大的上升空间。


年化回酬率 = ([一年可得的 GAS 总数]*[GAS 当前价格])/([NEO 总数]*[NEO当前价格])

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Flagging attack on Steemit?

Yesterday I’ve read some flagging issues here and there.

  • @transisto controversially flagged a couple of famous creators including @michelle.gent, who is a novel author, for Disagreement on reward, Posting a novel page by page, getting ~65$ for ~20 views. The flagged author then expressed her disappointment and this has lead to a series of heated discussion.
  • And we have @trafalgar being flagged for upvoting his alternate account @traf which is mainly producing short content. He then justify his motivation in doing so in the post: Is There Any Room For Short Content On Steemit?

I’m not taking any side of the aforementioned but for sure the flagging war is never going to end on Steemit. This has inspired a possible way to attack DPOS, though I’m not sure if someone else has mentioned this before already:

What if someone who is extremely wealthy like Amazon CEO Jezz Bezos, decide to invest 1 Billion dollar worth of Steem power and start using that enormous power to flag people?

With 1,000,000,000,000 SP, 100% voting power at 100% vote weight worth a whopping $85,670,000. Jezz doesn’t even have to do the dirty work himself, he can use bots to randomize the flagging or just target those star authors. Most payout of the works would be wiped out and users will leave this place as a result. Under current DPOS mechanism, there is nothing can stop him.

Of course, I was just exaggerating for this example but this is not entirely impossible, wealthy malicious group or individual are plentiful out there. This attack is not based on the techie liveliness and the 1/3+ attack or whatsoever geeky stuff, it plays fully according to the rule of Steemit:

Make someone an overload by investing huge amount of SP, then flagging blindly the whole platform.

This was just a weird brainwave without a solid fundamental understanding of the backend technical aspect. Maybe someone can delight me if I’m missing out anything.

有鉴于近来那么多的踩人事件,我突发奇想,发现有种奇葩的攻击 Steemit 方式很可行:

要是有一个好像 Amazon CEO 那么有钱的个人还是团体,投资价值十亿的 SP,然后到处踩人,这里会发生什么事?

要知道,十亿 SP 在满血状态下 100% 的权重可以达到 $85,670,000,足以踩得这个平台上几乎全部人个天昏地暗。当然这只是个极端的例子,但是绝非没有可能的,当然这对攻击者也不能带来什么好处。


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