Export Google Authenticator credentials to other device 获取2FA生成密码

One of my favorite exchanges has revamped and they implementing a very annoying safety feature: kicking me out of the trading page every inactive 30 minutes. The result is I have to now login10 + times a day just to login to check prices or to trade. This means I have to input 2FA code from my Google Authenticator every time to login too. Together with the stupid frequent ReCaptcha verification, every login now takes me at least 30 seconds.

There is nothing I can do with the ReCaptcha as that is one of the system design, but I can simplify the 2FA process.
The method is to export credentials of Google Authenticator to the chrome extension Authenticator.

Use this trick if:

  • You did not backup the specific app’s credentials (the barcode or manual entry code) when you setting up 2FA with that app.
  • You want to get the 2FA code on a computer instead of phone.


  • You are using Google Authenticator on an android device.
  • Your device must be rooted.


  1. In the rooted phone, use a root file explorer to get /data/data/com.google.android.apps.authenticator2/databases/databases and copy it to the computer.

  2. In computer, use Notepad++ to open the databases file.

  3. You will see lots of “null” characters but skip it all to the bottom of the file, where you see readable text like below and the red part is your credential key.


  4. Copy the credential key and insert into Authenticator extension.

    Authenticator -> Edit button -> Plus button -> Munual Entry


    1. Now you can copy the time-based access code using just a click.


The 2FA credential is crucial for the security obviously, that’s why you should not store this information in any plain text form. Encrypt it and store it somewhere offline like the USB thumbdrive. The next time you switch your phone or even lost it, you can easily recover the access code. With root access, you can also use the Titanium Backup app to backup Google Authenticator with the credential.

You should also start backing up the credential whenever you setting up a new 2FA login for a service.

双重认证(2FA)在黑客病毒猖狂的现在已经变成必要的户口保护手段了,尤其是收藏着重金的加密货币网站更是必不可少。我使用的是 Google Authenticator,由于某个常用的交易网站由于保安原因时常会需要不断的重新登入,把手机上的 Google Authenticator 移上来电脑中的 Chrome 插件 Authenticator 会方便很多。


  • 想从电脑上快速获取 2FA 密码的人。
  • 当初没有备份某个服务生成 credentials 的人。


  • Google authenticator 必须运行在安卓手机上。

  • 必须使用拥有超级用户权限的安卓手机


谁拥有用于密码生成的 credential 就可以生成 2FA access code 登入特定的服务,所以一定做好保护功夫。永远不要保存在纯文字格式。

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Drawitbetter Challenge #3 Scar

I’ve spent 2 hours on this using Copic markers in the grey book.

This is an entry for Disney drawing contest hosted by @sirsensei.

I’m not a big fan of Disney even when I was a kid. The first Disney that I looped over and over on a tape 20 years back was the Lion King. And looking back into the fictional characters, I found that the villain Scar got so much swag the other characters just don’t have to the story. Yeah, the typical hero-always-win theme for the Disney is just boring and paying some credit to the supporting role can be fun.

这幅作品花了两个小时,主要使用 Copic 马克笔在灰色绘画本上。这也是 @sirsensei 的迪斯尼绘画比赛的参赛作品。

其实从小我就不是迪斯尼的粉丝,总觉得男孩子不该喜欢这么可爱的东西。但是作为童年主流娱乐品,还是接触了不少。第一部迷上的迪斯尼卡通应该就是经典的狮子王,想当年的卡带时代可是被我重播了不少次。看回去其中的虚构角色,还是选择画有型有款的奸角 Scar 吧。迪斯尼的主角好人必胜的主旋律有点千篇一律了,把聚光灯分一点给配角们是我的使命,哈哈。

Drawing Breakdown

Sketch lightly with a pencil then outline the lion face with the darker marker.


Leave the bright spot open, as the lighter tone cannot cover the darker tone. Lesser room to fix mistakes with markers.


After the face toning, here comes the hair part. At some moment it bothered me to use the expensive marker on such a big scale. Haha.

脸部细节好了之后,开始大面积的用黑色上头发吧。如此大手笔的使用珍贵的Copic 颜料,心有一点点疼啊。

At last, use the white pencil to highlight the face and give the hair more texture.


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Durian dinner 榴莲当晚餐


Motivated by the price fall of durian in Singapore, for the first time I bought it myself after years of eating this king of fruit.

Pricing at S$17 per kilogram, the Musang King is a real deal for its awesome taste and size. We bought a total S$50 worth of durian for the dinner for two persons, we ended up so full and satisfied with the quality. It’s been a while we take so much of durian for a meal, gotta drink more water to counter the overwhelming energy and calories.




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Drawing Challenge#10 Tribute to the legend 向伟大致敬


I’ve spent another 3 hours on this artwork after the first version. Mainly using the pens below starting from the top: Pentel white gel pen, UniPaint marker, and White chalk oil color pencil which was also used in the first sketch.


The subject is the legendary Michael Jackson and his classic hat.
Ironically, I fell for Michael the day he passed away as the television mourning him with the “You Are Not Alone”. I fell in love with this song and immediately searched for all his songs and MV for the next few months, wondering how could I miss this astonishing artist when he was alive. I wished to draw a portrait of him as a gesture of tribute for a long time and this is the chance now.

The is an official entry for the Hat drawing contest bosted by @helene.

I’ve mentioned this artwork could be improved further, by making the white portion more vivid will enhance the contrast and makes everything pop on the paper. Seems like I was right. In the section below I put the previous work and the completed version side by side, you are the judge.

Comparison breakdown

Before: Hat and face portion

After: Enhance the hat detail and emphasis the light spot

Before: Shirt image was dull

After: Contrast is way stronger. Shining spots on the coat are really shining now.

Before: Bright part was lacking.

After: Improved the hand and sleeve details.

Before: Contrast was lacking.

After: Some simple highlight on the hand can really make the hand and pant outstanding.



There is a way to improve everything.

Don’t forget to preserve artwork by using the fixtatif spray in this guide too.

这次的主题是万古不朽的 Michael Jackson 的经典戴帽形象。

很讽刺的,我真正认识 MJ 就是在他去世的那天。当时电视上播放着缅怀 MJ 的《You Are Not Alone》,听到的当下就立马爱上了。接下来的几个月把他所有的作品和 MV 统统翻出来欣赏研究,对这位传奇般的人物彻底心折了。一直想要画个人像来向他致敬,这次机会终于来了。




正式用此版本来交功课,有兴趣的可以去参加由 @helene 举办的帽子绘画比赛

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Biggest bank in Singapore thinks Bitcoin is a Ponzi scheme

“We see bitcoin as a bit of a Ponzi scheme,” David Gledhill, group chief information officer and head of group technology and operations at Development Bank of Singapore(DBS).

He also does not think that getting into the world of bitcoin will create a competitive advantage for the bank, mainly due to bitcoin inefficiency in term of expensive transaction fees recently.

It’s a shame for a prominent figure in the biggest bank in Singapore will stand against bitcoin. Not sure though if he is the bitcoin or the blockchain technology. Maybe he has to say what he has to say for being in his position, after all the bitcoin was created with the motto “Unbank the bank”. I’m a big believer in the blockchain, and currently the world has shown the same trust via bitcoin billions worth market cap.

Of course bitcoin has its own problems to solve. Endless hardforks, ridiculously expensive fee, unbearable long transaction time, questionable scalability, and so on. Bitcoin has gained the largest market cap mainly because it was the first ever cryptocurrency being created. Many outsiders still regard the bitcoin as the signboard for the digital currency, while there are actually hundreds of better coins out there competing in the market.

Bitcoin is a Ponzi scheme? Those who said this is either playing smart trying to scare away the uneducated, or being too dumb to be ignorant.

Bitcoin might not be the last one standing ten years later, but blockchain is here to stay for sure.

新加坡最大银行,DBS 的首席信息官 David Gledhill 早日发表对比特币的看法,说这不过是一场庞氏骗局,银行的运作并不会因为参与这项技术而获得有利优势,还顺带提了最近吓人的交易费用为例子。




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Don't mine for the hackers


It is reported that cryptocurrency mining malware has been breach from thousands of website to Google play store applications.

Coinhive, a site that offers a friendly programming interface to enable any website turning their visitor’s computer into mining machine for the website owner. A couple of multi-million downloaded applications from Google play store is taking advantage of user phone for illegal mining activities too, but no name of the applications was revealed.

For preventive measures:

  • Install this Chrome extension to block all Coinhive malware.
  • Apply good internet surfing habit, pay caution visiting potentially malicious websites.
  • Don’t simply download untrustable applications even from Google Play store.
  • Lastly, monitor the abnormal behavior of your devices like unusual high CPU usage or a drastic drop in the phone’s battery. They might be infected if high computing power was consistently being consumed without reasons.


Coinhive 提供了友善的编码界面让网站拥有者可以很容易的在自家网站装上,到访者的电脑就会被感染从而为之挖矿而不自知。Google play store 上也有数个拥有百万下载量的 App 会感染手机为远方的黑客挖矿,App 名字则被保密。


  • 在电脑装上这个 Chrome 插件可以有效抵挡 Coinhive 攻击。
  • 养成良好的上网习惯,拒绝访问来历不明的网站。
  • 别随意下载应用软件,即使是来自Google Play store 这种官方渠道。
  • 最后,密切观察设备的不正常状态。要是电脑的 CPU 使用帧率长时间处于高度使用状态,或是手机电池无故急剧下跌,那你很可能中奖了。

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