Please crash more, dear Steem.

Please crash more, dear Steem.


After a century of rocketing(time concept is diferrent in the crypto world), SBD finally decided to take a break and land back on Earth. It restored to the USD pegging price of 1 Dollar.

Like many others, I converted some of my STEEM to SBD during SBD price was down to $5~6 which was low at that time, hoping one day it could moon again and I would earn some free STEEM.

And it is $1 now.

So I hope STEEM can continue to go down, maybe below $1 and by that time I definitely will convert all the SBD to Steem again. Yes, sounds like a plan.

I’m hoping Steem to crash further, am I gone crazy?

今天一切都打回原样咯,SBD 经过漫长疯狂飙车,今天终于再度尘埃落定,去加油站歇歇了。记得几个月前我还在 SBD $6 左右的低峰用 STEEM 换了一点,期待某天它再上高峰时可以小赚一笔。


所可以期待的就是希望 STEEM 持续下跌,最好跌破 $1 那我立马就会把所有 SBD 买入 STEEM 了。对,就是这么办。

在这么低迷的市场,我居然还要 Steem 跌下去,希望不是傻了吧。

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