See how much I've earned in Cindicator

See how much I've earned in Cindicator

Dear fr3eze,
Congratulations on your outstanding performance in Cindicator’s February 2018 competition! You ranked #103 with 1517 points in the crypto markets challenge and #5181 with 0 points in the traditional markets challenge, earning you a total of 0.02104335 ETH across both ratings.

Yep, the result was 0.02104335 ETH (roughly 18 USD) for a #103 rank last month.

They also attached a public google sheet for Cindicator February report, take a look there if you ever took part in predicting. There are over 10,000 predictors in the Crypto market, feels great that I could be ranked at that high!

I know, 0.02 ETH seems too little for the all the efforts, it depends on how you look at it. I spent not more than 5 minutes every day on the prediction and it is not taxing at all. The total prize is only worth of 1.25 BTC for thousand participants to share. Don’t expect a handsome return if you are not in the top 10 list, where they averagely receive 0.3 ETH.

There is some bonus too

By placing #103 in one of the challenges you have also gained access to the Cindicator Bot for one month on the Beginner plan.

I also earn an one-month access to Beginner plan which normally will need a minimum possession of 5,000 CND. Beginner plan allows the user to access some of the processed indicators to both crypto and traditional market so it can be treated as a trading signal as well. This alone could be more valuable than the 0.02 ETH prize money. Except I already entitled to this exact plan. But not bad for a bonus too.

Will I keep predicting in Cindicator?

Why not? But it might not purely for the prize. I found that the satisfaction from predicted something accurately is very rewarding as well. And knowing that I did a pretty good job in market analysis is something I never expected as well.

上次分享的 Cindicator 市场预测二月份成绩终于出炉啦。在超过十千位参与者里很意外的我排名 #103,还真的很好运啊。那么这么高的排名能得到的分红有多少呢?

答案是 0.02104335 ETH (约为 18 USD)。

我知道你心里在说很少,说真的是有点少啦。但从另一个角度出发,我每天画不超过五分钟的时间在上面,实在是玩一场手机游戏花的时间都多过这个。而且除了 0.02 ETH 我还可以免费使用“初级配套” 一个月来查看经过处理的信号,这个通常要有 5000 CND 才可以解锁,当然我是已经有了。对于没有的人来说还是很不错的。


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