Steem is telling the jackpot result in advance again

Steem is telling the jackpot result in advance again


Hail to the great Steem soared all the way to $3 as all of you must have already noticed if you are a loyal subscriber of CMC like me (well, it might not be as I bet tons of your feeds on Steem were talking about this price spiking as well).

If you have bought some low price Steem when it was around $1.4-$1.7, good for you. If not, we will still be able to benefit from it thanks to the 3.5 days delayed feed_price which you can refer how to do it at:

How to actually hack the price spiking of Steem?

The other useful tip is to make use of Steem Plus if you are a regular steemit user on Chrome. Under the wallet there is a new price indicator for your holdings using current market rate. From that you can clearly tell that how much feed_price of Steem is delayed after the live rate. The bigger the gap, the more you should have invested now in the votes to reap the biggest possible profit.


This whole thing is works like the knowing the jackpot result 3 days before the announcement, awesome!

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