Steemit just added a long-missed but necessary function

Steemit just added a long-missed but necessary function

Was frustrated about the Steemit just being slow in the loading few minutes ago before everything goes back to normal suddenly. After my first ever Steem meet-up in SG, I was going to make a payment for the drink fee last night to @rockysmarties using SBD (Yay the first time making full use of the mighty Steem/SBD!).

Inputting the recipient and amount to transfer as usual and proceed, then I was surprisingly greeted by the following dialogue:

The long waited Confirmation dialogue I’ve been waited for so long! Paranoid user like me always wondering why Steemit could skip such an important mechanism before carrying out a transfer. The double-checking frequency is always directly proportional to the amount I was going to send before this, characters by characters of the recipient name, digit by digit of the amount column.

Glad I don’t have to do it anymore!

Steemit 就在刚刚加入了一个小而贴心的功能,那就是传送 Steem 或是 SBD 的时候加入了确认的对话框。一直以来纳闷了很久,这么简单必要的汇款流程怎么这么大的一个网站都可以忽略呢。害我以前汇款时都一个字一个字的检查接收方的名字没有拼错,再一个数字一个数字的检查数目没有打错。汇款数额越大,我的检查次数就越多,搞得每次汇款都好像在拆炸弹。现在好了,终于告别这白痴的烦恼!

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