Trezor VS Ledger Nano S comparison

Trezor VS Ledger Nano S comparison

I personally own two famous hardware wallet in the market now, the Trezor and Ledger Nano S. Both serve me really well and give me zero problems so far. However, they are not created equally thus after using them for some time, it would be good to compare them hand to hand from head to toe.


Trezor Ledger Nano S
Package Trezor comes with the anti-tampering seal box that opening process irreversible. Comes with minimal accessories like one keychain and two recovery sheets Ledger is not sealing their wallet package as they are confident that no one can hack the physical device itself. Comes with more accessories like necklace chain, keychain and one recovery sheet.
Design Whole plastic build gives a not-so-premium impression and the design was a bit old-school considering it was the first hardware wallet. But everything holds up and works well. More modern design and nice looking. The overall build is solid.

|Difficulty|Easy and friendly. The Trezor firmware holds all the supported wallets at once. Most of the operation currently handled by the Chrome browser application unless you are making transaction then confirmation action will be needed on the device.|Difficult. Although Ledger supports more tokens but you will need to download and setup each wallet that you needed as the device comes in empty. If you were to install five wallets for different coins, you will need to install five different Chrome wallets. The process can be sometimes confusing.|
|Price|€89 (as of now)|€79.00 (as of now)|
|Supported tokens|At this moment it is Bitcoin, Litecoin, Dash, Zcash, Bitcoin Cash, Bitcoin Gold, Ethereum (+ all ERC-20 tokens), Ethereum Classic, Expanse, UBIQ, NEM, Namecoin, Dogecoin and Bitcoin Testnet. Refer here.| Generally supported more coins like the famous Ripple, Stratis, Neo, Stellar, Qtum and more. Refer here.|

Those will be the major difference between Trezor and Nano S. Talking about the most important measurement of hardware wallet, both provide top-notch security undoubtedly.

Should you invest in one of it? There is a rule of thumb for this question, that if your investment in crypto is equal or more than one week of wages, you should get one. You can’t go wrong by any one of it.


我同时拥有 Trezor 和 Ledger Nano S,在使用了数个月之后很是应该做出个比较。

Trezor Ledger Nano S
包装 使用防伪封密包装,所有开箱都是不可逆的过程。配有简单必要的配件。 其团队宣称设备本身具有防止篡改功能,所以不需要是应用防伪包装。配件方面较为丰富。

|设计|由于是最早的硬件钱包,设备设计风格偏 Old-school,但是所有元件软件等都触感良好。|风格摩登好看,质量也是没得说。屏幕比较小。

|价格|€89 (截稿为止)| €79.00(截稿为止)|
|支持币种|Bitcoin, Litecoin, Dash, Zcash, Bitcoin Cash, Bitcoin Gold, Ethereum (+ ERC-20 tokens), Ethereum Classic, Expanse, UBIQ, NEM, Namecoin, Dogecoin, Bitcoin Testnet. 参考这里.| 基本上支持更多的币种如有名的 Ripple, Stratis, Neo, Stellar, Qtum 等。 参考这里.|

尽管两者存在些许分别,但是在硬件钱包最重要的能力来说 — 安全保密性,两者都是无可挑剔的。那么应不应该入手一个?币圈有个不成文的说法,那就是如果你的投资价值多过一个星期的工资,就入手吧!两者选其一,都不会错的。

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